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François CLANCHÉ Insee, National statistical office, France 30/09/2013 The French rolling census, ten years after its launch.

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Presentation on theme: "François CLANCHÉ Insee, National statistical office, France 30/09/2013 The French rolling census, ten years after its launch."— Presentation transcript:

1 François CLANCHÉ Insee, National statistical office, France 30/09/2013 The French rolling census, ten years after its launch

2 30/09/2013The French rolling census, ten years after its launch Summary of the method Each year a large census survey (9 million people): - all inhabitants of 1/5 of the small local units - 8% of the population of all the large towns On a cycle of five years : - the whole territory is covered - 70% of the population is surveyed Each year, production, at all geographical levels of : - official populations statistics, on a common base year - detailed statistical census results, by weighting the survey data

3 30/09/2013The French rolling census, ten years after its launch A largely positive result The census results are now updated each year. Since 2008, yearly and on time The census quality has improved: Processes are better controlled - the concentration of resources of training, support and control over a smaller number of surveyed areas - the accumulation of experience from year to year & the evolution of tools and guidelines - a high level of public participation The results are not questioned - positive studies throughout the “ramp-up” period (2004- 2008) - favourable feedbacks from national and local users - satisfactory quality of the building directory in large towns The cost is controlled and smoothed over time

4 30/09/2013The French rolling census, ten years after its launch The rolling census is not a miraculous solution The cost of the census remains high, because of the size of the annual surveys total annual cost : 54 million euros, 0,83€/inh. It has not been decreasing since 2004 Census mobilizes a tenth of the INSEE manpower  the question of sustainability in the medium term is raised The workload involved in processing and validating the data remains important Some parameters of the statistical environment are evolving Over a period of five years, some elements of the statistical calculation are unstable The methodological teams are responsible for correcting the accidental defects in the basic census data.

5 30/09/2013The French rolling census, ten years after its launch Conclusion Through regular collection whose quality is very satisfactory, The French "rolling census" has undoubtedly fulfilled these initial aims : Each year INSEE establishes official population figures for all administrative districts in the country, and distributes many detailed data the quality of which is recognized. However, this device has a high cost, mainly due to the very high number of households surveyed each year. Moreover, the device, which is methodologically complex, requires a large data processing team on a permanent basis.

6 François CLANCHÉ Insee, National statistical office, France 30/09/2013 The French rolling census, ten years after its launch Thank you for your attention

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