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LacCore National Lacustrine Core Repository Anders Noren, Curator.

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Presentation on theme: "LacCore National Lacustrine Core Repository Anders Noren, Curator."— Presentation transcript:

1 LacCore National Lacustrine Core Repository Anders Noren, Curator

2 LacCore History Limnological Research Center (LRC): 1959 - provided many services prior to LacCore

3 LacCore History Limnological Research Center (LRC): 1959 - provided many services prior to LacCore Repository founded at U of MN coincident with first GLAD project (2000)

4 LacCore History Limnological Research Center (LRC): 1959 - provided many services prior to LacCore Repository founded at U of MN coincident with first GLAD project (2000) Need for core processing capacity Equipment upgrades

5 LacCore History Limnological Research Center (LRC): 1959 - provided many services prior to LacCore Repository founded at U of MN coincident with first GLAD project (2000) Need for core processing capacity Equipment upgrades Expand scope to include smaller projects (2003)

6 LacCore History Facilities/equipment driven by Global Lake Drilling (GLAD) program Encourage use by other researchers Adapt to needs of all projects at all scales Support all phases of research

7 Staff Curator: Anders Noren Lab Manager: Amy Myrbo Assistant Curator: Kristina Brady Technicians: 5 to 15 (unsalaried) Director: Emi Ito Co-PI: Steve Colman, Director, LLO, Duluth Co-PI: Bryan Shuman, U. Wyoming EAG: 7 members Funding: NSF-IF; University of Minnesota

8 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/Initial Core Description 4. Sample prep/Analysis 5. Archiving

9 Components 1. PLANNING for all project phases a. Budget b. Time c. Equipment and supplies needs d. Shipping e. Training f. Analytical possibilities g. Curation

10 Components 1. PLANNING for all project phases Submit collaborative proposals

11 Components 1. Planning 2. FIELD a. Equipment rental b. Equipment training, operation c. Supplies (core liner, etc.) d. Core handling e. Core storage f. Core transport

12 Field Equipment 1.Surface cores: push, gravity, freeze, Hongve, Eckman dredge 2.Long cores: Kullenberg, Livingstone (with or without single-use liner modification), Mackereth, Nesje, vibracorer 3.Vessels: 18-foot row/motorboat, 4 canoes, two Carolina Skiff boats for Kullenberg (23-foot tower), pontoon, cataraft, innertube. (All moonpooled) 4.GPR 5.Water sampling and analysis 6.Climate-controlled shipping container 7.Two 4x4 trucks

13 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging i. gamma density ii. acoustic velocity iii. electrical resistivity iv. magnetic susceptibility (loop and high-resolution point sensors) v. natural gamma radiation

14 Geotek MSCL

15 Geotek XYZ-MSCL

16 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging b. High-resolution digital imaging

17 DMT CoreScan Geotek GeoScan III

18 10 pix/mm

19 20 p/mm

20 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. CORE PROCESSING / ICD a. Multisensor logging b. High-resolution digital imaging c. Description i. macro-scale: color, texture, structure ii. micro-scale: mineralogical and biological components

21 Initial Core Description

22 Smear slides



25 CoreWall

26 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/ICD 4. SAMPLE PREP/ANALYSIS a.Dedicated stations for each analysis b.Technicians available

27 Services / Stations / Equipment Smear slides Sampling LOI Carbon coulometry Sulfur coulometry Biogenic silica Grain size Pollen prep XRD prep Thin section prep Isotope prep Diatom prep AMS 14C prep Charcoal prep Centrifuges Drying ovens Desiccators Fume hoods Microscopes: pollen, diatom, petrographic, binocular ITRAX XRF core scanner X-radiography LLO

28 Components 1. Planning 2. Field 3. Core processing/ICD 4. Sample prep/Analysis 5. ARCHIVING a. Physical curation: storage, labeling b. Metadata / database management c. Sample preservation / management d. Depth scale generation e. Sampling

29 Repository Policy Accession old or new cores, given: Adequate metadata Known sampling history Good condition

30 Repository Policy Sampling moratorium Two years from core retrieval Original PIs only At conclusion: Cores available for sampling, ICD data & images made public

31 Repository Policy Sample requests Core IDs, depths, spl volume Purpose / intended research Sampling protocol

32 Collection 10,400 m of core (stored at LacCore) 8,400 m drill cores 2,000 m short cores Future: 2,500 m El’gygytgyn Accession old collections

33 3320 ft 2 / 310 m 2

34 Virtual Repository Store metadata / data for cores not located at LacCore Rapid assessment of previous work done in a geographical region, or on a proxy Possible sample access Simplify transition to permanent storage

35 Database Stores all metadata for expeditions, holes, cores, sections, samples; analytical data

36 Database Stores all metadata for expeditions, holes, cores, sections, samples; analytical data Mathematically corrects depth scale for gaps and gas expansion Provides multiple uniform corrected depth scales for all samples/analyses

37 Database Stores all metadata for expeditions, holes, cores, sections, samples; analytical data Mathematically corrects depth scale for gaps and gas expansion Provides multiple uniform corrected depth scales for all samples/analyses In-progress: Online/searchable; Corelyzer integration; ICDP Curation DIS; ??

38 Online table,.csv,.kml

39 Other Services Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure 9/1/06 – 9/1/07 MSCL: 220 days XYZ-MSCL: 175 days

40 Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure Train visitors in equipment operation, core description Other Services

41 Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure Train visitors in equipment operation, core description Provide workshops, short courses Other Services

42 Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure Train visitors in equipment operation, core description Provide workshops, short courses Sell supplies (field, lab, curatorial) at cost Other Services

43 Perform multisensor logging prior to user arrival or after departure Train visitors in equipment operation, core description Provide workshops, short courses Sell supplies (field, lab, curatorial) at cost Produce recipes/SOPs, distribute on web Other Services

44 Costs / Fees field equipment rental shipping sample prep / analysis sampling supplies consumed

45 Visitors 550-700 visitor-days annually

46 Visitors

47 Core Processed

48 Samples Disbursed


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