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Strasbourg, 2012 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Presentation on theme: "Strasbourg, 2012 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strasbourg, 2012 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2 Since 2010 Republic of Kazakhstan – is a full member of the European Higher Education Area Kazakhstan’s Academic Mobility Strategy till 2020 was adopted Kazakhstan is a government member of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education Six Kazakh universities are members of the European Universities Association National Qualification Framework was adopted. 2 Republic of Kazakhstan – member of the Bologna Process

3 Structure of the National Qualifications System Evaluation of professional training and certification of qualifications National Qualifications Framework Sectoral Qualifications Framework Professional Standards 3

4 4 National Qualifications Framework NQF developed and adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Kazakhstan NQF is compatible with the EQF on 8 levels In the NQF Dublin descriptors are used. NQF based on BFUG recommendations, consisted of 11 steps Upcoming tasks Adoption of gradual implementation plan for the NQF Creation of WG on self-certification Discussion of data on self-certification by BFUG

5 5 Measures on implementation of NQF and NQS Based on the NQF, the sectoral qualifications frameworks in the field of education and science, labor, and agriculture have been developed We have stated the elaboration of professional standards. They already exist in the oil and gas, tourism, engineering, agricultural areas for 118 occupations The basis of institutional model of independent verification of qualifications are in place. Independent centers for verification of qualifications in the oil and gas, mining and tourism sectors are being created in pilot mode. Implementation of the NQF and NQS is provided in the Strategy of education development for coming decade.

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