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AP English Language and Composition Friday, October 16 th, 2015.

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1 AP English Language and Composition Friday, October 16 th, 2015

2 Universal Skills for HS and Life Review yesterday’s quote Table group conversation: In the past week of AP English, – What did you do (class work, homework, etc.) – What content did you learn (vocab, content, etc.) – What skills did you learn or practice?

3 HW Due Jefferson précis – bullet point pre-write and hand-written rough draft Roosevelt précis – bullet point pre-write and hand-written rough draft In Class Peer-edit and revise précis rough drafts – Examples? – Transitions? – Precise diction? Cleese “New Axis of Evil” (satire) – Brainstorm context first

4 HW (1/2 days for conferences) 1 st & 3 rd Period: Mon. 10/19: Final précis for either Jefferson or Roosevelt – Bullet-point pre-write – Hand-written rough draft – Typed final draft (MLA formatting: 12 pt font, black ink/white paper, TNR, double-spaced) Weds. 10/21: Bush & Obama annotations – Read in this order: Bush “Address to Joint Session of Congress” & Obama “2002 Speech Against the Iraq War” Obama: 2009 Inaugural Address & 2013 Inaugural Address 5 th Period: Tues. 10/20: Final précis for either Jefferson or Roosevelt – Bullet-point pre-write – Hand-written rough draft – Typed final draft (MLA formatting: 12 pt font, black ink/white paper, TNR, double-spaced) Thurs. 10/22: Bush & Obama annotations – Read in this order: Bush “Address to Joint Session of Congress” & Obama “2002 Speech Against the Iraq War” Obama: 2009 Inaugural Address & 2013 Inaugural Address

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