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America Home of the Brave And Now We Save. What Happened? America used to be a rich happy place. Now everyone is clingeing to as much money as they can.

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Presentation on theme: "America Home of the Brave And Now We Save. What Happened? America used to be a rich happy place. Now everyone is clingeing to as much money as they can."— Presentation transcript:


2 America Home of the Brave And Now We Save.

3 What Happened? America used to be a rich happy place. Now everyone is clingeing to as much money as they can get. Sometimes people miss the fun parts of life, just to save a few dimes..

4 Like Christmas

5 Like Disney

6 ..Or online shopping

7 Unemployment is still a problem in the U.S.


9 House Sales The house market is one variable for the state of our economy. The market has been declining for the past couple of years. Because there are many foreclosures in our system, it is causing a chain reaction that will tear our country’s economy apart.


11 A New Hope? Will the new president, Barack Obama, fix the economy? He already initiated many new economic programs that will hopefully stimulate our country out of a recession. With a new man in the Whitehouse, there’s a newly found chance of CHANGE.

12 Thank-you For taking the time to view my project. - George Lozano Jr.

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