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Primary Circulation How the heating of the earth results in planetary winds that drive our weather systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Circulation How the heating of the earth results in planetary winds that drive our weather systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Circulation How the heating of the earth results in planetary winds that drive our weather systems

2 The earth’s radiation budget

3 Earths orbit around the sun

4 Why there is unequal heating of the surface of the earth

5 Unequal heating o Heating of the earth is not the same all through the year Different parts of the year have summer and winter at different times The amount of insolation/heat the earths surface receives depends on the angle of incidence of the suns rays The length of the day also affects how much heat is received at a place on the earths surface During summer-days are longer and this results in more heat being received

6 ITCZ-Thermal equator

7 Hadley Cell- the heat engine of the earth

8 Tricellular model


10 Pressure belts The unequal heating of the earths surface gives rise to different pressure belts These pressure belts are either high or low depending on the nature of the air Descending air causes high pressure-rising air causes low pressure at the surface

11 Tricellular arrangement gives rise to planetary winds

12 Test your understanding
Where is the suns energy most concentrated? Explain why. Why does the suns energy dissipate as latitude increases? What causes wind Name the [pressure belt that exists at the equator 5. Name the cell that exists at the equator 6. Name the other cells that make up the tr-icellular model 7. Name the 3 sets of planetary winds that occur on the earths surface 8. What does ITCZ stand for? 9. Explain how the seasonal equator is formed.

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