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The Christian's Struggles
Luke 10:38-42 “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things” (v. 41) Not a bad person Not immoral Not lacking in love for the Lord Title Slide: The Christian Struggles (#10)—Bad Judgment… Bothered (NASV) – by many things Distracted – thus struggled We like Martha struggle about many things!
Struggle With Bad Judgment
1. Many of our problems are brought on, not by sinful decisions and actions, but bad judgment 2. “Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.” 3. Part of the struggle is that those with poor judgment don’t always know they have poor judgment Struggle With Bad Judgment: 1. Many of our problems are brought on, not by sinful decisions and actions, but bad judgment 2. “Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.” 3. Part of the struggle is those with poor judgment don’t always know—have poor judgment
Struggle With Bad Judgment
I. Knowing What It Is II. Passages in Context I. Knowing What It Is… III. Lessons Learned
A. More than things not sinful
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment A. More than things not sinful A. More than things not sinful…
Colossians 1:9 “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” Text—Col.1:9…
Wisdom and Understanding
“He will do only that which is in his spiritual interest, or what is good for him on a spiritual level. Some things even right in themselves are not best for the Christian. It does not necessarily take all wisdom and spiritual understanding to know the difference between right and wrong or the good and the bad. But it does require such wisdom and understanding to know the better over the good, and the best over the better, and having recognized the difference, to then make the best choice rather than just refuse the bad.” - Weaver Quote from Commentary on Colossians by Walton Weaver…
Explain the chart…
Though not sinful – may not be good at all!
Bad Better Best Decision / Action Though not sinful – may not be good at all! Explain the chart…Need to look at what my decisions and action will set into motion…
More than things not sinful More than knowledge
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment More than things not sinful More than knowledge More than things not sinful… More than knowledge…
Colossians 1:9 “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” Text—Col.1:9…
“Wisdom” “Wisdom”= God’s Revelation {Proverbs 4}
“Wisdom”= Insight/ Judgment {James 1:5} “Wisdom” 1. “Wisdom”= God’s Revelation...Proverbs 4:5-7—” Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” 2. “Wisdom”= Insight/ Judgment…James 1:5—” If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
Learn some facts about another’s $ What I do with what I have learned
Knowledge Wisdom Know what Word Teaches How much at one time How to approach How to use PowerPoint How much flashy Animation to use Value of Jewelry Whether to comment on someone’s ring How to do something Better than another How I handle that Knowledge / comment Learn some facts about another’s $ What I do with what I have learned Differences in Knowledge vs. Wisdom…
More than things not sinful More than knowledge
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment More than things not sinful More than knowledge Able to see beyond the present More than things not sinful… More than knowledge… Able to see beyond the present…
Wisdom to see the good in the suffering of the moment
James 1:1-6 1 James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. Wisdom to see the good in the suffering of the moment Living in the moment…
More than things not sinful More than knowledge
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment More than things not sinful More than knowledge Able to see beyond the present Maturity in judgment Proverbs 20:29—glory of old men James 1:4—perfect=mature Hebrews 5:13,14—full age can discern More than things not sinful… More than knowledge… Able to see beyond the present…
Age Does not Always Mean wisdom/Good judgment
“The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness.” “Wisdom does not always come with age, sometimes age comes all by itself.” Age Does not Always Mean wisdom/Good judgment…Prov.16:21—Quote… Proverbs 16:31
More than things not sinful More than knowledge
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment More than things not sinful More than knowledge Able to see beyond the present Maturity in Judgment Sober-minded More than things not sinful… More than knowledge… Able to see beyond the present… Maturity in judgment… Sober—minded …
Sober—Minded Titus 1:8—elders to be sober minded
Titus 2:2—older men to be sober Titus 2:6—younger men to be sober-minded Sober=Serious minded * ”of a sound mind” (Vines) Serious, level headed Translated “in his right mind” (Mark 5:15; Luke 8:35) Sober—Minded—Passages in Titus 1 and 2..Defined as “serious minded”
More than things not sinful More than knowledge
I. Knowing What It Is Wisdom Poor Judgment More than things not sinful More than knowledge Able to see beyond the present Maturity in Judgment Sober-minded More than things not sinful… More than knowledge… Able to see beyond the present… Maturity in judgment… Sober—minded …
I. Knowing What It Is II. Knowing Its Sources
Struggle With Bad Judgment I. Knowing What It Is II. Knowing Its Sources Where can I get it? How can I know what is the wise course?? Knowing What It Is… Knowing Its Sources…Where can I get it? How can I know what is the wise course?
Word of God II. Knowing Its Sources
Know the Bible (Deuteronomy 6; Ephesians 3:3-5; 2 Peter 3:18) Decisions and actions should be aimed to harmonize with and accomplish the goal found in the word “Wisdom” books (Proverbs) {18:13,17} “Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our security, guidance, wisdom, and power.” (Stephen Covey) II. Knowing Its Sources… 1. Word of God…discuss the points…
Multitude of Counselors 1. Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 24:6
II. Knowing Its Sources Word of God Multitude of Counselors 1. Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 24:6 2. Ask for advice—from more than one 3. Must be open to a different judgment 4. “He that never changes his opinion, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today.” (Tyron Edwards) II. Knowing Its Sources… 1. Word of God…discuss the points… 2. Multitude of Counselors…Discuss each point
Multitude of Counselors Experience
II. Knowing Its Sources Word of God Multitude of Counselors Experience We learn from experience—Genesis 30:27 Elders learn from the experience of dealing with their own children—1 Timothy 3:5 II. Knowing Its Sources… 1. Word of God…discuss the points… 2. Multitude of Counselors…Discuss each point 3. Experience…
Multitude of Counselors Experience Pray
II. Knowing Its Sources Word of God Multitude of Counselors Experience Pray Should pray for wisdom—James 1:5 Should ask God daily for wisdom and correct application of that wisdom… II. Knowing Its Sources… 1. Word of God…discuss the points… 2. Multitude of Counselors…Discuss each point 3. Experience… 4. Pray…
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed
Struggle With Bad Judgment I. Knowing What It Is II. Knowing Its Sources III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed Knowing What It Is… Knowing Its Sources…Where can I get it? How can I know what is the wise course? Knowing Where It Is Needed
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed
Raising Children Goal/ Objective (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:1-4) Very careful in decisions we make about our children WATCH: what they are doing, who they are with, who they talk with, what they do, s they get and send, music they listen to, movies they watch, video games they play, etc. III Knowing Where It Is Needed… 1. Goal/ Objective…Prov.22:6—train them in the right way; Eph.6:1-4—nurture and admonition of the Lord… 2. Very careful about decision we make about our children (and our relationship with them) 3. WATCH: discuss each point carefully and explain (why)
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed
Raising Children Dealing With People (Colossians 4:5) What to say How to say it How to respond When do I ignore, when do I reply? III Knowing Where It Is Needed… 1. Raising Children… 2. Dealing With People…Col.4:5 1. What to SAY 2. HOW to say it 3. How to RESPOND 4. When to IGNORE, when to REPLY? 3. WATCH: discuss each point carefully and explain (why)
III. Knowing Where It Is Needed
Raising Children Dealing With People (Colossians 4:5) Dealing With the Opposite Sex Proverbs 5:8—stay clear of tempting situations Proverbs 6:25—watch for allurements How does the situation look to others? Could this be a compromising situation? III Knowing Where It Is Needed… 1. Raising Children… 2. Dealing With People…Col.4:5 3. Dealing With The Opposite Sex 1. Prov.5:8—stay clear of tempting situation 2. Prov.6:25—watch for allurements 3. How does the situation look to others? 4. Could this be a compromising situation?
III. Knowing Where It Is Needed
Raising Children Dealing With People (Colossians 4:5) Dealing With the Opposite Sex Topics Discussed (esp. in mixed company) When We Talk III Knowing Where It Is Needed… 1. Raising Children… 2. Dealing With People…Col.4:5 3. Dealing With The Opposite Sex 4. Topics Discussed (esp. in mixed company) Examples—marriage problems, personal conduct… 5. When We Talk…discuss
Proverbs 15:1—a soft answer turns away wrath
Proverbs 15:2—tongue of wise uses knowledge Proverbs 17:28—Fool is wise when he holds his tongue When To Talk…Discuss passages and application “It is so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.” -Sam Levenson
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed
Raising Children Dealing With People (Colossians 4:5) Dealing With the Opposite Sex Topics Discussed (esp. in mixed company) When We Talk Timing III Knowing Where It Is Needed… 1. Raising Children… 2. Dealing With People…Col.4:5 3. Dealing With The Opposite Sex 4. Topics Discussed (esp. in mixed company) Examples—marriage problems, personal conduct… 5. When We Talk…discuss 6. Timing…
Timing Job 5:25—Eliphaz’s timing stunk!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8—Don’t laugh—when it’s time to cry! Timing…Discuss the wisdom in knowing WHEN and WHEN NOT to speak…
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed IV. Knowing How We Show It
Struggle With Bad Judgment I. Knowing What It Is II. Knowing Its Sources III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed Knowing What It Is… Knowing Its Sources…Where can I get it? How can I know what is the wise course? Knowing Where It Is Needed Knowing How We Show It… IV. Knowing How We Show It
IV. Knowing How We Show It
Show wisdom in our actions James 3:13—show wisdom in our actions Not by telling others how wise we are Show it in decisions we make and things we say… IV Knowing How We Show It… 1. James 3:13—show wisdom in one’s actions 2. Not by telling others how wise we are (humility) James 3:6-8 3. Show it in decisions we make, and things we say…
IV. Knowing How We Show It
Show wisdom in our actions Problem with bad judgment— not thinking Have limited focus Look ahead and beyond (James 1:5) See consequences, where this will lead, whether we can be consistent “We are made wise not be recollection of our past, but by the responsibility of our future.” (G.B. Shaw) IV Knowing How We Show It… 1. Show wisdom in our actions 2. Problem with bad judgment—one’s not thinking! a. Have LIMITED focus b. Look AHEAD and BEYOND (Jam.1:5) c. See CONSEQUENCES, where this will lead, whether we can be CONSISTENT… D. Quote from G.B. Shaw…
Looking Ahead See Dangers How things look to others
How others are affected How we come across Any precedent we set Consequences of what I allow Looking Ahead…Explain the chart
IV. Knowing How We Show It
Show wisdom in our actions Problem with bad judgment— not thinking Not Rash—but Deliberate IV Knowing How We Show It… 1. Show wisdom in our actions 2. Problem with bad judgment—one’s not thinking! 3. Not Rash—But Deliberate…
Time to Think things through Not quick to make decisions
Not Rash “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; therefore let your words be few.” Time to Answer Time to Think things through Not quick to make decisions Not Rash…Eccl.5:2—Expound on the three points in other part of the chart… Ecclesiastes 5:2
Time to Think things through Not quick to make decisions
Not Rash “The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.” Time to Answer Time to Think things through Not quick to make decisions Not Rash…Prov.15:28—Expound on the three points in other part of the chart… Proverbs 15:28
III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed IV. Knowing How We Show It
Struggle With Bad Judgment I. Knowing What It Is II. Knowing Its Sources III. Knowing Where It Is Not Needed Knowing What It Is… Knowing Its Sources…Where can I get it? How can I know what is the wise course? Knowing Where It Is Needed Knowing How We Show It… Review—Summary—Invitation… IV. Knowing How We Show It
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