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White Culture of the Antebellum South **Before War.

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Presentation on theme: "White Culture of the Antebellum South **Before War."— Presentation transcript:

1 White Culture of the Antebellum South **Before War

2 Some other Cultures You Have Studied

3 The Cotton Kingdom ❖ Recap: What was the impact cotton had on the Southern economy? Why do you think many 19th Century Americans referred to cotton as “King Cotton”?

4 I. Cotton Economics ❖ A. Global Demand ❖ 1. The United States supplied 3/4 of the world’s cotton supply ❖ 2. By 1850, over half of all U.S. exports was cotton ❖ ***If separated from the United States*** The South would have been considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world in 1860 based on the value of the cotton trade.


6 Who is the leader today?

7 B. Consequences ❖ 1. Cotton drains the soil of nutrients, and planters were forced to relocate to continue to make a profit. ❖ 2. An increase in the demand for and the value of slaves.

8 II. Southern Society

9 Another way of looking at the data

10 Major Question to Consider ❖ If 75% of the White Population did not own slaves, why was slavery supported?

11 A. Planter Envy ❖ 1. Owning slaves and becoming a plantation owner was the goal of most whites living in the South. ❖ 2. The planters were the people who held power in Southern society.

12 B. A Closed Mind and a Closed Society ❖ 1. Other than being white, planters had little in common with yeoman and poor whites. ❖ 2. Religion was used to justify slavery and white supremacy ❖ 3. Abolitionist writings were banned in many Southern states.

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