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Users and Data Models CMPT 455/826 - Week 3, Day 2 (Various sources) Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d21.

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Presentation on theme: "Users and Data Models CMPT 455/826 - Week 3, Day 2 (Various sources) Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Users and Data Models CMPT 455/826 - Week 3, Day 2 (Various sources) Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d21

2 What is information architecture? by Iain Barker Information architecture is –“the structure of a system, the way information is grouped, the navigation methods and terminology used within the system” Iain Barker –“organising the patterns in data, making the complex clear” Richard Saul Wurman Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d22

3 IA Techniques (1) Concept sorting –representative users –sorting a series of cards each with a piece of content or functionality into groups that make sense to them –generates ideas for how information could be grouped and labelled You don’t need cards to do this, –but they make it easier (sticky tack on a big wall helps too:) Big post-its work well on walls too! Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d23

4 IA Techniques (2) Personas –a technique for defining archetypical users of the system –a cheap technique for evaluating the information architecture without conducting user research –We’ve already talked about personas! Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d24

5 IA Techniques (3) Prototypes –models of the system –can be as simple as paper-based sketches, or as complex as fully interactive systems –Research shows that paper-based prototypes are just as effective for identifying issues as fully interactive systems –The trend here is that non-computerized info technology can help with the needs of computerized IT Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d25

6 IA Techniques (4) Storyboards –a technique for bringing the information architecture to life without building it –are sketches showing how a user would interact with a system to complete a common task –enable other members of the project team to understand the proposed information architecture before the system is built –A storyboard is a user-friendly interaction diagram:) Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d26

7 Building And Implementing An Information Architecture James C. Brancheau et. al. Information architecture –is a high-level map of the information requirements of an organization. –is a personnel-, organization-, and technology-independent profile of the major information categories used within an organization –provides a way to map information needs, relate them to specific business functions, and document their interrelationships Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d27

8 Inputs to Information Architecture identify and define the basic business functions –that are needed to compete successfully in that business map the existing organization structure –to the business functions, by determining which managers are responsible for (or have a stake in) each business function map information about existing applications –to business functions Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d28

9 Components of an IA (1) The business function model –shows how the basic business functions relate to the underlying data classes –in a matrix business functions are listed across one axis and the data classes are listed down the other axis –Business functions are the fundamental activities necessary for operation of the organization –Data classes are the general categories or types of data needed to perform these business functions Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d29

10 Components of an IA (2) The global data model shows –how the data classes interrelate with each other e.g. as a high level e-r diagram –Because the global data model serves as a communication device, the modeling formalism must be simple to understand and highly graphic –It is important to understand that the global data model is and always will be partially incomplete because it evolves –We need to consider the usability and the use of our models Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d210

11 Components of an IA (3) The entity description/definition –records facts about the data which may be potentially useful to future development projects –e.g. a data dictionary that is more than just a set of sql domains –this form is used to document additional information about each data class or entity –contains the data class name, a brief definition of the data class, and information about ownership of the data other information tailored for a specific organization Sept-Dec 2009 – w3d211

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