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System for Collecting and Analysing Sport Player Physical Data Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) Date of preparation : 23.11.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "System for Collecting and Analysing Sport Player Physical Data Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) Date of preparation : 23.11.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 System for Collecting and Analysing Sport Player Physical Data Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) Date of preparation : 23.11.2015. Work programme topic addressed ICT 16 – 2015: Big data – research Name of the coordinating person : Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 1/21 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović

2 Table of contents Project partners Project abstract Concept and objectives The overall strategy of the work plan Gantt chart Work package list Deliverable list List of milestones Summary effort table Pert chart Management structure Ethical issues Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 2/21

3 Project Partners Participant no.*Participant organisation name Part. short nameCountry 1University of Belgrade, Mathematical Faculty, MATFSerbia 2Samsung, SAMSouth Korea 3Nike, NIKEUSA Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 3/21

4 Project Abstract Real time player analysis Goal: Affordable Easily accesible Potential to transform and adapt to various sports Final product: Commercial system Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 4/21

5 Concept and objectives Developing a system that will ensure a positive future for sport teams Watch-like device on a players wrist developed by Nike Samsung Data Centre for Big Data analysis Integrating all the data in a single solution Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 5/21

6 Concept and objectives Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 6/21

7 Concept and objectives Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 7/21

8 Concept and objectives Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 8/21

9 The overall strategy of the work plan The project is organized in seven work packages as follows: WP0 Project Management WP1 Development of Use Cases WP2 Development of System Architecture WP3 Hardware Details WP4 Software Details WP5 Testing WP6 Releasing The Product Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 9/21

10 Gant chart Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 10/21

11 Work package list Work packa ge No Work package titleType of activity Lead partic no. Lead partic. Short name Person- months Start mont h End month WP0Project ManagementMGT3MATF, SAM,NIKE 74M1M12 WP1Development of Use Cases RTD1MATF16M1M2 WP2Development of System Architecture RTD2MATF,NIKE15M1M4 WP3Hardware DetailsRTD1NIKE12M3M7 WP4Software DetailsRTD2SAM,MATF17M3M7 WP5TestingRTD/DE M 3MATF, SAM,NIKE 150M7M11 WP6Releasing the ProductDEM3MATF, SAM,NIKE 60M8M12 TOTAL 344 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 11/21

12 Deliverable list Del. No. Deliverable nameWP no.NatureDissemination level Delivery date (proj. Month) D0.1Minutes from each Steering Committee meeting WP0RPUM1,M6,M12 D0.2Project handbook including quality management plan WP0RPUM1 D0.3Periodic reports at periods specified in the Grant Agreement WP0RPUM1,M3,M6,M9, M12 D0.4Signed Consortium AgreementWP0RPUM1 D0.5Audit certificates for each participant at times stated in the contract WP0RPUM12 D0.6Final reports at the conslusion of the project (final activity report, supplementary final reports and a report on distribution between participants of the final payment) WP0RPUM12 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 12/21

13 Deliverable list Del. No. Deliverable nameWP no.NatureDissemination level Delivery date (proj. Month) D1.1Top level Use Case DiagramsWP1OPUM2 D1.2Detailed Use Case DiagramsWP1OPUM2 D2Architecture SpecificationWP2RPUM4 D3.1Report on HW built into the systemWP3RPUM7 D3.2Report on Communication system built into the system WP3RPUM7 D4.1Procedure detailsWP4RPUM5 D4.2Algorithmic detailsWP4RPUM6 D4.3Report on SW built into the systemWP4RPUM7 D4.4Documented codeWP4RPUM7 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 13/21

14 Deliverable list Del. No. Deliverable nameWP no.NatureDissemination level Delivery date (proj. Month) D5.1Report on testing results (MATF)RPUM10,M11 D5.2Report on testing results (SAM)RPUM10,M11 D5.3Report on testing results (NIKE)RPUM10,M11 D6.1Project promotional materialsRPUM11,M12 D6.2E-bulletin/ newsletter releasedRPUM11,M12 D6.3TV and internet marketing campaigns RPUM11,M12 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 14/21

15 List of milestones Mileston e number Milestone nameWork package s involved Expecte d date Means of verification M0.1Kick-off meetingWP0M1Minutes from kick-off meeting M0.2Consortium agreement signedWP0M1Consortium Agreement with partner signatures M0.3Project shut-down, all deliverables achieved WP0M12Final deliverables report M1Finished Use CasesWP1M2Use Case Documentation M2System architecture definedWP2M4Architecture specification M3HW details defined and clarifiedWP3M7HW report M4SW details defined and clarifiedWP4M7SW report M5System tested in real life scenariosWP5M10-M11Reports on the testing results M6Project marketedWP6M11-M12Project marketing campaign Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 15/21

16 Summary of effort Partic. No. Partic. short name WP0WP1WP2WP3WP4WP5WP6Total person months 1MATF 4416 70 7 50 20 144 2SAM150 8 0105020103 3NIKE1500 12 0 50 2097 Total741615 1715060344 Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 16/21

17 Pert chart Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 17/21

18 Management structure Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 18/21

19 Ethical issues No direct ethical, legal, social and safety issues May arise with the training data Consent asked beforehand “ I CONFIRM THAT NONE OF THE ABOVE ISSUES APPLY TO MY PROPOSAL ” Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 19/21

20 Questions? Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 20/21

21 Thank You! Darko Stošić, Bojan Nestorović 21/21

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