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Business Definition Wendi Welch. “Hospital Compare” Datasets WHAT IS HOSPITAL COMPARE? Hospital Compare has information about the quality of care at over.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Definition Wendi Welch. “Hospital Compare” Datasets WHAT IS HOSPITAL COMPARE? Hospital Compare has information about the quality of care at over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Definition Wendi Welch

2 “Hospital Compare” Datasets WHAT IS HOSPITAL COMPARE? Hospital Compare has information about the quality of care at over 4,000 Medicare- certified across the country. You can use Hospital Compare to find hospitals and compare the quality of their care.  The information on Hospital Compare:  Helps you make decisions about where you get your health care  Encourages hospitals to improve the quality of care they provide  Maintained by  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)  Similar types of data are used for the following payment programs:  Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program( HVBP)  HVBP Program Data and Scoring (Efficiency) o HVBP Program Incentive Payment Adjustments  Hospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP)  Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP)  Official Datasets:  

3 Who Else Cares About Hospital Compare? It’s not just for consumers (patients)  This same data is used by Medicare internally to make incentive payments to providers of medical services based on the quality of care:  Pay for Performance (P4P)  Provides what are typically financial incentives to providers to improve the quality of the care they deliver and/or reduce costs. The model gives health care providers the chance for a financial upside – such as a bonus — but no added financial risk, or downside.  By giving an incentive to providers for increasing the quality of care, Medicare reduces base payments for services provided  Improving quality of care should reduce the complications/readmissions/deaths being paid for, resulting in a cost savings  Competitive Advantages  Surrounding or competing hospitals can use this data to compare and benchmark against

4 Challenge  Opportunities to analyze the data for various attributes and find:  Highest Death Rates by Region/State/Counties in Texas  Highest Hospital Acquired Infections Rate by Region/State/Counties in Texas  Lowest Patient Satisfaction Measures by Region/State/Counties in Texas  Highest Rate of Complications by Region/State/Counties in Texas  Highest Rate of Payment for Certain types of procedures by Region/State/Counties in Texas  Highest Rate of Outpatient procedures by Region/State/Counties in Texas.  Trends of Incentive Payments  Etc…

5 Business Objectives What can we do once we analyze the data?  Consumers  Utilize the results to choose a service provider  Medicare  Evaluate/Adjust Incentive Payments and/or Reimbursement rates based on the results produced in the analysis which reveals trends for:  Death Rates  Patient Satisfaction  Complications/Hospital Acquired Infections  Volume for Certain Types of procedures  Other Hospitals/Providers  Set strategic objectives to improve quality of care using other providers’ published results as a benchmark  Set strategic objectives to increase incentive payments by improving quality of care

6 Star Diagram FACT TABLE (MEASURE SCORES) Hospital_ID Measure_ID Measure_Score Time_Key_ID Location_ID MEASURES TABLE Measure_ID Measure_Description TIME TABLE Time_Key_ID Measure_Start _Date Measure_End_Date HOSPITAL TABLE Hospital_ID Hospital_Name Hospital_Type Hospital_Ownership Location_ID LOCATION TABLE Location_ID Location_Address Location_Street Location_City Location_State Location_County Location_Region


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