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2006 FBIRN Meeting Welcome FBIRN 2006. Housekeeping first  Coffee breaks at 10:30 and 3:15 pm Please keep these to 15 minutes  Lunch down the hall and.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 FBIRN Meeting Welcome FBIRN 2006. Housekeeping first  Coffee breaks at 10:30 and 3:15 pm Please keep these to 15 minutes  Lunch down the hall and."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 FBIRN Meeting Welcome FBIRN 2006

2 Housekeeping first  Coffee breaks at 10:30 and 3:15 pm Please keep these to 15 minutes  Lunch down the hall and on the patio at noon  Wireless connection instructions  Wiki page: Continuously update slides and notes Note takers  Please set cell phones and pagers to silence

3 Welcome to our External Advisors External Advisory Board Attending: Cam Carter Steve Strother Bill Lorensen William Bunney Bob Cox

4 And the Statistical Council Statistical External Advisory Council attending: Tom Nichols Steve Strother (again) Barry Horwitz (by phone) Keith Worsley

5 This time last year: Remember? NO PINK SHEETS

6 This time last year: Remember?  Phase II data collection underway Cognitive tasks: Auditory Oddball and SIRP Calibration tasks: Sensorimotor and breaththold Continued agar phantom scans weekly Genetic samples: BDNF, COMT, D2DR, D1DR, etc.  Number of subjects collected so far: 27, with ten from Iowa alone!!

7 Since then…  Resubmission in June  Reverse site visit in August  Response to Council in September/October

8 Since then…  Society for Neuroscience meeting, November: Where the tools and data go public  FBIRN Traveling Subjects data  E-prime programs  fMRI QA methods  HID Schema  CALM/GAME  XCEDE

9 Since then…  NIH Executive Council presentation in January  Phase II: 218 subjects completed and uploaded  Mediated queries

10 Major Congratulations!!!  Gary H. Glover…was among 76 new members announced by the National Academy of Engineering on Feb. 10.  “Gary Harold Glover, professor of radiology and director of the Richard M. Lucas Center for Imaging, was praised for research and engineering in the development of imaging techniques …”

11 Publications since last year Recent FBIRN publications:  Lee, HJ, Turner, J., Potkin, SG., FIRST BIRN. (2005) Calibration Method of Functional Magnetic Resonance Images. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology: Computer Graphics (CISST'05), Las Vegas June 27- 30 2005, pp 13-19.  Kim, S. Smyth, P., Stern, H., Turner, J., FIRST BIRN. (2005) Parametric response surface models for analysis of multi-site fMRI data. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 3749, 352-359.  Turner, J., Smyth, P., Fallon, J.F., Kennedy, J.L., Potkin, S.G., FIRST BIRN (2006). Imaging and genetics in schizophrenia. Neuroinformatics, in press  Keator, D; Gadde, S; Grethe, J ; Taylor, D; FIRST BIRN; Potkin, S. A. (2006). General XML Schema and Associated SPM Toolbox for Storage and Retrieval of Neuro-Imaging Results and Anatomical Labels. Neuroinformatics, in press  Magnotta, V.A., Friedman, L., FIRST BIRN. (2006). Measurement of signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise in the FBIRN multi-center imaging study. Journal of Digital Imaging, in press.  Thomason, M.E., Foland, L.C, and Glover, G.H. (2006) Calibration of BOLD fMRI using breath-holding reduces group variance during a cognitive task…, in press And nine other conference abstractions and other presentations (that we know about!)

12 Data sharing since last year  The portal is up and running with FBIRN tools to download 

13 Collaborations since last year  Brain Map Common ontology/terminology being developed Brain Map being “wrapped” for the Mediator  TURNS Shared the QA phantom and methods with them Working on a traveling subjects protocol this spring  HID schema shared with multiple non-BIRN sites Various PET and fMRI labs Autism consortium  And other highlights are coming in the following presentations

14 FBIRN Specific Aims, 2005-2010  Calibration: Assess and correct for the major sources of variation in multi-site fMRI studies  Cognitive Tasks: Develop robust protocols suitable for multi-site fMRI studies  Analysis: Develop methods to analyze multi-site fMRI data  Tools: Develop a scalable IT application toolkit to support multi-site fMRI studies  Dissemination: Make the tools, procedures, and collected datasets widely available

15 Timeline Revised Overall Research Timeline: 2006: Evaluation of previous calibration methods on Phase II data; Analysis of Phase II data to evaluate initial hypotheses; Development of BH, ASL calibration methods; development and testing of new multi-center cognitive tasks;  2007: Traveling subjects on the east and west coasts.  2008: Clinical data collection  2009: Finishing clinical data collection; refinements of calibration, cognitive, and statistical approaches  2010: Analysis, IT refinements, and dissemination.

16 Note from the NOGA  Funding for Years 4 and 5 is contingent upon 1) the grantee’s submission of a comprehensive and detailed progress report and research plan to NCRR no later than March 15, 2008; 2) review and approval of said report and plan by NCRR staff, and 3) approval for funding…  Subcontracting will be mostly easier 6 month

17 Goals for this meeting  Review current progress Identify current obstacles Set action plan to achieve specific aims  Do good science & have fun!

18 Agenda  Monday AM Overview of current achievements and challenges, by working group  Monday PM 1-4:30Neuroinformatics session 1-4:30Stats and calibration session 1-4:30Cognitive session 4:30-5:15Group review (here) 5:30 pmPlenary session

19 Agenda  Tuesday AM Breakfast 8 am 8:30-11:30EAB meeting with WG chairs (one at a time) 8:30 -9:30FIPS demo 9-noonUsability testing 8:30-10:30Clinical, Cog, and Calibration plans 10:45-noonKeith Worsley: Second level analyses  Tuesday PM 1 – 2 pm EAB responses 2 – 5 pmNeuroinformatics Session 2 – 5 pmStats, Calibration, Cog discussion of Calibration methods and pipeline development 5 pmMilestone review

20 By 5 pm Tuesday  Each group delivers their action plan/milestones to achieve current goals

21 Fun  Plenary Speaker at 5:30 Stephen Strother, “Managing and Optimizing fMRI Pipelines”  Reception at 6:30 pm  Banquet here at 7 pm tonight  Croquet!!  Tomorrow night: ???

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