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ETHOS, PATHOS AND LOGOS American Literature: Tucker.

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Presentation on theme: "ETHOS, PATHOS AND LOGOS American Literature: Tucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETHOS, PATHOS AND LOGOS American Literature: Tucker

2 WHAT ARE ETHOS, PATHOS AND LOGOS? Ethos: appeal to emotion (Sarah McLaughlin animal commercials) Pathos: Appeal to higher power (credibility and trust) Logos: appeal to logic and reason




6 WHAT IS PURPOSE? Author’s purpose is why an author writes a text. Authors write for 3 main reasons: P-Persuade (commercials, billboards, political ads, advertisements, editorials) I-Inform (documentaries, non-fiction books, newspaper/magazine article, biographies, text books) E-Entertain (fiction books, poems, mystery, comics, romance, movies)

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