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Periodization and Max-Lifting

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1 Periodization and Max-Lifting

2 Lesson Learning Targets
Describe the concept of periodization training. Describe the difference between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers? Describe how to develop the two muscle fibers Determine your personal 1-rep maximum lift on the bench press Calculate your weight training levels for each phase of periodization training.

3 Review: 5 Components of Muscular Fitness
Describe the following components of fitness: Muscular Strength Muscular Power Muscular Endurance Cardiovascular Endurance Cardiorespiratory Endurance Muscular Strength- How much force your muscles can produce Muscular Power- Force + Speed. Muscular Endurance- Force exerted over time. Ability to sustain force for long periods Cardiovascular endurance- the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement Cardiorespiratory Endurance- the ability of the heart and lungs to absorb, transport, and utilize oxygen over an extended period of physical exertion.

4 New Vocab Fast-twitch Muscle Fibers Slow-twitch Muscle Fibers
Muscular Atrophy Muscular Hypertrophy

5 New Concepts Periodization Training Max-lifting
Why use periodization training? How do I incorporate it into my own training? Max-lifting What is it? How does it relate to periodization?

6 Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Two types: IIa fibers and IIb fibers Rapid contractions Quick, powerful movements Low endurance Muscular strength and Power

7 Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Longer period of contraction Oxygen-rich High endurance levels Muscular endurance Cardiovascular & cardiorespiratory endurance

8 Muscle Atrophy and Dystrophy
Atrophy – Decrease in muscle mass Non-usage Disease Can lose all gains from training within 3 weeks of non-activity! Hypertrophy – Increase in muscle mass Through resistance training Developed during power phase of periodization training

9 Periodization Systematic division of training periods to bring athlete to peak performance for competition Can be tweaked for in-season/off-season training

10 Max-Lifting 1-rep Max – amount of weight that can be lifted one time (total strength) Useful for determining levels of resistance during periodization training Re-test for new max level after full periodization training program

11 Determining 1rep-Max Start with a weight you KNOW you can lift 10 times. 10rep-max is determined when you no longer can perform 10 reps at a certain weight. Use last completed set as 10rep-max weight Use provided chart and 10rep-max weight to determine 1rep-max

12 What’s Next Pick a workout partner Determine 1-rep max for:
Barbell bench press Squats Determine individual resistance levels for periodization periods (strength, power, endurance) Begin new training period!

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