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How strenuous should physical activity be? There are two intensity levels which include moderate and vigorous activity. A moderate activity can be characterized.

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Presentation on theme: "How strenuous should physical activity be? There are two intensity levels which include moderate and vigorous activity. A moderate activity can be characterized."— Presentation transcript:

1 How strenuous should physical activity be? There are two intensity levels which include moderate and vigorous activity. A moderate activity can be characterized by being able to talk while performing the activity. Examples of moderate activity can include:  Slow paced walking  Gardening  Slow dancing A vigorous activity can be characterized by being unable to talk or having to stop to catch your breath. Examples of vigorous activity might include:  Racing walking  Boxing  Ballroom Dancing References Physical Activity. (2011, January 20). In Public Health Agency of Canada. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from mvs/pa-ap/02paap-eng.php mvs/pa-ap/02paap-eng.php HHS Announces Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. (2008, October 7). In U.S Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from 10/20081007a.html 10/20081007a.html Jones, N. (2009, June 1). Exercise and Physical Activity. In Everyday Health. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from sics/difference-between-exercise-and- physical-activity.aspx sics/difference-between-exercise-and- physical-activity.aspx Photo of Pyramid alActivity.html Photo of mowing lawn 07/lawn-care-tips-article.htm Photo of ballroom dancing ostID=1716 By: Rosemary Nelson

2 What does physical activity involve? Why should we be physically active? There are many benefits of physical activity. Physical activity improves our quality of life, increases years of life, and improves mood. It also helps prevent against disease such as:  Heart attack  Stroke  Hypertension (high blood pressure)  Obesity  Type 2 Diabetes Who should be physically active and for what duration of time? Physical activity is important for everyone at all age ranges. Depending on the age, however will determine the duration of the activity.  Children and adolescents should engage in about one hour of activity per day.  Adults are recommended to about 30 minutes for most days of the week.  Older adults and elderly should contact their doctor for their recommended amounts of activity. Physical activity includes any event that gets the heart pumping at a faster pace than your resting heart rate. Physical activity does not have the same meaning as exercise. While exercise is a type of physical activity that is planned, physical activity is something we can do in our daily lives on a regular basis. Here are a few forms of physical activity that you can choose from:  Walking  Swimming  Mowing the lawn (walking)  Gardening  Shopping (walking)  Washing the car by hand Here are a few examples of exercise:  Strength Training  Running (heart rate between 65% and 80%)  Daily flexibility exercises  Greater than sixty percent of U.S. adults do not engage in physical activity.  Twenty-five percent of U.S. adults are sedentary.  Lack of physical activity and diet is the second leading cause of death.  There is a greater chance that obese children will become obese adults.  Physical activity can be fun and exciting depending on the activities you choose.  Most of your daily physical activity is considered moderate. Fun Facts About Physical Activity

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