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 Candidate: person standing for election  Secret ballot: a vote (ballot) where no one knows who voted for who  Manifesto: the promises you make before.

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Presentation on theme: " Candidate: person standing for election  Secret ballot: a vote (ballot) where no one knows who voted for who  Manifesto: the promises you make before."— Presentation transcript:

1  Candidate: person standing for election  Secret ballot: a vote (ballot) where no one knows who voted for who  Manifesto: the promises you make before you get elected (you have to keep them if you are!)  Hustings: campaigning to get elected (especially giving speeches)  Returning officer: the person who counts the votes and announces the winner

2 Form/Tutor groups Candidates Each class/form will have some people who put themselves forward as candidates.

3 5 th – 9 th October Each of the candidates will try to win the votes of the people in their class/form

4  Even if you don’t want to stand writing a manifesto helps you think about what kind of person you would vote for.  What qualities should a good representative have?  What things would you change?  Would they make a big difference?  Are they realistic?

5  Monday 19 th October  Each person in the form/class group has one vote (who you vote for must be kept secret). Candidates get a vote, and they can vote for themselves, or someone else. The person with the most votes in each class/form is elected to the student council

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