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Based on work with: Sergey Gorbunov and Vinod Vaikuntanathan Homomorphic Commitments & Signatures Daniel Wichs Northeastern University.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on work with: Sergey Gorbunov and Vinod Vaikuntanathan Homomorphic Commitments & Signatures Daniel Wichs Northeastern University."— Presentation transcript:

1 based on work with: Sergey Gorbunov and Vinod Vaikuntanathan Homomorphic Commitments & Signatures Daniel Wichs Northeastern University

2 Recall the GSW FHE

3 GSW as a Commitment

4 Homomorphic Computation on Commitments and Openings Might reveal extra info about x 1,…,x n. (can remove this)

5 Homomorphic Computation on Commitments and Openings Commitments: C 1 = AR 1 + x 1 G, C 2 = AR 2 + x 2 G Openings: (x 1, R 1 ) (x 2, R 2 ) Addition: Eval com C + = C 1 + C 2 Eval open ( x 1 + x 2, R 1 + R 2 ) C + = ( AR 1 + x 1 G ) + ( AR 2 + x 2 G ) = A(R 1 +R 2 ) + (x 1 +x 2 )G

6 Homomorphic Computation on Commitments and Openings Commitments: C 1 = AR 1 + x 1 G, C 2 = AR 2 + x 2 G Openings: (x 1, R 1 ) (x 2, R 2 ) Multiplication: Eval com C x = C 1 G -1 (C 2 ) Eval open (x 1 x 2, R 1 G -1 (C 2 ) + x 1 R 2 ) C x = (AR 1 + x 1 G) G -1 (C 2 ) = (AR 1 G -1 (C 2 ) + x 1 (AR 2 + x 2 G) = A(R 1 G -1 (C 2 ) + x 1 R 2 ) + x 1 x 2 G

7 Two Flavors of Commitments A is chosen as in GSW: – computationally hiding (LWE). – statistically binding. – extractable using trapdoor. A is chosen uniformly random: – scheme is statistically hiding, commitments are uniformly random. – computationally binding (SIS or LWE) – equivocal using a trapdoor (next) B b = sB+e A = Commit pk (x) : C = AR + xG

8 SIS Trapdoor [Ajtai99,…,MP12] Goal: choose a random A with a trapdoor such that for any V can find short R : AR = V. A = To open commitment C to a bit x, set V = C – xG. B BR* + G AT = G n m/2 R = TG -1 (V) Trapdoor: T = -R* I

9 SIS Trapdoor with Correct Distribution [GPV08, MP12, LW15]

10 Summary: Homomorphic Commitments

11 Homomorphic Commitments extractable equivocal Homomorphic Encryption Homomorphic Signatures

12 x x = (x 1, …, x n ) y=f(x) Alice Bob Cloud Server y large databaseprogram Homomorphic Signatures: Motivation

13 communicationcomputation privacy verifiability ENCRYPTION HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION SIGNATURES HOMOMORPHIC

14 Verify(pkf, y, σ f,y )=1 Homomorphic Signatures (HS) y=f(x) σ f,y =Eval pk (f,x,σ ) Alice (sk) Bob (pk) Cloud Server y, Is y=f(x) ??? σ ← Sign sk (x) x, σx, σ σ f,y Shortness: ind. of size of x or runtime of f Process pk (f)=pk f Efficiency: ind. of runtime of f and size of x correctness Security : If y=f(x), the cloud cannot convince Bob that result is y’ ≠ y Additional features: Multi-Data: Alice can sign many different (labeled) datasets. Context Hiding: σ f,y reveals no additional info about x.

15 [CJL’09, BFKW’09, GKKR’10, BF’11] [BF’11][CFW’14][GVW’15] This Talk Program ClassLinear functions Bounded degree polynomials all circuits (leveled) AssumptionBilinear, RSA, SIS Ideal SIS + Random Oracle Multilinear Maps SIS/LWE -- Bad-- Good Constructions of Homomorphic Signatures

16 Other Solutions x, σ x = (x 1, …, x n ) Alice Bob Cloud Server y, Π CS proofs/SNARKs? [Mic’00, BCCT12] short proofclassic signatureVerify(y, Π)=1 y=f(x) use non-standard assumptions [Mic’00, BCCT’12] x x = (x 1, …, x n ) y=f(x) Alice Bob Cloud Server challenge Memory Delegation? [CKLR’11] response interactive verification Other solutions also fall short: [GRK’08, AIK’10, BGV’11, PRV’12, GW’13, KRR’14] (private verification or preprocessing) which are essential [GW’11]

17 Theorem [Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan, Wichs’15] : There exists a Homomorphic Signature (HS) scheme for arbitrary programs represented by circuits where: Our Results Shortness: Size of certificate σ f,y is poly(λ, d) where λ is the security parameter and d is the circuit depth for f. Security: assuming hardness SIS /LWE standard lattices Caveat: Need large public random string (public params) or random oracle model.

18 Warm-Up: 1-Time, 1-Bit Signature from Equivocal Commitment Public parameters: random commitment C Verification key: commitment key pk Signing key: equivocation trapdoor td To sign a message x, use trapdoor to sample an opening R such that C = Commit(x;R). Selective security: if adversary picks signing query x ahead of time, can set C = Commit(x;R) and not know td. Forgery breaks binding.

19 Warm-Up: 1-Time, Multi-Bit Signature from Equivocal Commitment Public parameters: random commitment C 1,…,C n Verification key: commitment key pk Signing key: equivocation trapdoor td To sign a message (x 1,…,x n ) use trapdoor to sample openings R i such that C i = Commit(x;R i ). Selective security: if adversary picks signing query x ahead of time, can set C = Commit(x;R) and not know td. Forgery breaks binding.

20 Homomorphic Signature Public params: C 1 … C n Sign sk (x 1, …, x n ) → σ:sample R 1,…,R n s.t. Commit(x i ;R i )=C i random commitments Output pk f = C f = Eval com (f, C 1, …, C n ) Verify pk (pk f, y, σ f,y ) =1 iff C f = Comm pk (y;R f ) σ f,y := R f = Eval open (f, (x 1, R 1 ), …, (x n, R n )) Eval pk (f, (x 1,R 1 )…,(x n, R n ) )→σ f,y Process pk (f) →pk f Verification key: pkSigning key: td

21 Extensions Full security (beyond selective): – Homomorphic chameleon hash [KR00] = Homomorphic equivocal commitments. Multiple data sets: – Use standard signature to sign a fresh verification key of homomorphic signature scheme for each data set. Context Hiding (certificate only reveals output of comp.) – Can be done generically with NIZKs. – Nice way to do this for our scheme using equivocation trapdoors.

22 Open Problems Remove large public parameters? Remove dependence on depth. Bootstrapping?


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