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Congress shall make no law…abridging …the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --First.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress shall make no law…abridging …the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --First."— Presentation transcript:


2 Congress shall make no law…abridging …the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --First Amendment

3  Definition: groups that have organized to try to affect government policy.  (And don’t run candidates for office)

4  American Civil Liberties Union  The Christian Coalition  National Rifle Association  National Organization for Women  The Sierra Club  A.A.R.P. (American Association of Retired Persons)  National Right to Life Committee  National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League  The Concord Coalition  The Federalist Society  American Association of Manufacturers  Pharmalogical Manufacturers Association of America

5  Case study: the AARPthe AARP  Influence from Huge membership

6  Problem definition  Studies and research reports Studies and research reports  Drafting legislation  Agendasetting  Polls, press releases, press conferences Polls, press releases, press conferences

7 Lobbying  Informal participation  Formal participation (testifying)(testifying)  Astroturf lobbying (generating mail)(generating mail)  Demonstrations  Going Public (HIAA-Harry and Louise)  Giving money to candidates (not all groups do!)

8  PACs (Political Action Committees)  Must raise money from 50 people (+)  Must contribute to at least 5 candidates  Maximum $5000 contribution per campaign  All public information All public information

9  Reacting to proposed rules  The Federal Register The Federal Register  Testifying Testifying  Informal lobbying

10  Filing court cases to challenge laws Filing court cases to challenge laws  Filing amicus briefs

11  Money buys access  Revolving Door grants access  Meals, travel and gifts  Private bills, contracts, loopholes

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