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Theme 1.

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1 Theme 1

2 Character’s Traits and Motivations
This would make a great ANCHOR CHART to hang in the room. Sometimes authors state a character’s motivations; other times readers must use what the character says, does, and thinks to figure out the character’s motivations.

3 Compare/Contrast

4 Synonyms and Antonyms (practice quiz on slide shows)
Synonyms- a word that means almost the same as another word. Antonyms- a word that means the opposite of another word You can sometimes use synonyms or antonyms to help you figure out the meaning of an new word.

5 Synonyms and Antonyms A Thesaurus is a reference source that is helpful in finding additional synonyms and antonyms. Antonyms for hot Synonyms for hot T62 I would also show students a Real Thesaurus (could check out one from library) Sweltering Sizzling scorching Cold Freezing Frigid

6 Making Inferences Take details from the story, combine with what you already know (based on your own experiences) and determine what isn’t directly told to you in the story. Story Details What you know Make an Inference

7 Predicting Outcomes You can predict what will happen next in a story/text by thinking about what has already happened in the story. Understanding plot events and sequence will help to predict the next events in story.

8 Story Structure Setting Characters Plot Events Setting
MODEL: Read aloud story on Transparency R3 then MODEL with the think aloud how to use the graphic organizer. Plan ahead of time how the completed organizer would look. MODEL for students how to complete the organizer.

9 Story Structure What are the different parts of a story?
The characters are the people in the story. The main character is the person the story is mostly about. The setting is where and when the story takes place. The setting may change as the story unfolds. Plot events are the things that happen in a story. Often the plot involves a problem the main character must solve. T32

10 Sequence: Story Events

11 4 Types of Sentences Interrogative: Asks a question Declarative:
Gives a statement Imperative: Gives a command Exclamatory: Shows strong emotion

12 Subjects and Predicates: (Complete and Simple)
Complete Subject- all the words that name the person or thing the sentence is about. Simple Subject- the main word or words in the complete subject of a sentence Four fun teachers read Dr. Seuss books. Complete Predicate- all the words that tell what the subject is or does. Simple Predicate- the main word or words in the complete predicate.

13 Vocabulary

14 cringed If you cringed, you moved or flinched slightly because of discomfort or fear. Which sound would make you cringe, fingernails scraping on a chalkboard, or someone singing a beautiful song?

15 queasy If you feel queasy, you have a sick feeling in your stomach.
What might cause a person to feel queasy?

16 If you muttered something, how did you say it?
If you muttered, you said something very quiet because you did not want to be heard. If you muttered something, how did you say it?

17 What might cause a lake or river to be sparkling?
Something that is sparkling is shining, clear, and bright. What might cause a lake or river to be sparkling?

18 Where might you see clusters of grapes?
Clusters are small groups of people or things that are close together. Where might you see clusters of grapes?

19 If you stroll someplace, are you in a hurry?
To stroll is to walk in a slow, relaxed way. If you stroll someplace, are you in a hurry?

20 What might cause you to glare at someone in a library?
glared If you glared at someone, you stared at them in an angry way. What might cause you to glare at someone in a library?

21 When might you wear a shirt in a vivid color?
Something that is vivid has very bright colors When might you wear a shirt in a vivid color?

22 How does your face look when you are downcast?
Someone who is downcast is sad and has no hope. How does your face look when you are downcast?

23 What might by something you would do deliberately?
If something is done deliberately it is done with purpose. What might by something you would do deliberately?

24 Spelling Words trimmed visited counting catching burned cracked seemed
shampoo spoon renew dread check spend heel season cheese gram past pact rose rainbow woke dawn daughter awful choice annoyed boyhood slipped begged

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