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Purpose of Learning Workbook  To build skills of how to write grants  To provide methods and models to support idea creation  To learn how to communicate.

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose of Learning Workbook  To build skills of how to write grants  To provide methods and models to support idea creation  To learn how to communicate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose of Learning Workbook  To build skills of how to write grants  To provide methods and models to support idea creation  To learn how to communicate clearly and effectively

3  Deciding how to explain your program or project to can be difficult You need to understand WHO your neighbourhood, community is You need to understand WHY you provide your programs and services You need to understand HOW you provide your programs and services

4 Ascending Action: Identify the context, problem, characters… Climax: Identify and explain the solution D escending Action: Identify what has been learned, suggest follow-up actions Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

5 Identify the context, problem, characters  This section provides a RATIONALE What is the need/gap? What is the evidence that it exists? Why are you the right organisation to solve this need? What experience do you have? What successes have you had ?

6 Suggestions to strengthen your rationale:  Collect information, feedback, ideas from youth, community and institutions  Research for evidence; primary and secondary data  Observe and document what’s happening in your community

7  Before you begin writing plan out your program Know exactly what you want Be consistent throughout your proposal/application Can share writing duties with your team and everyone is on the same page ** For more information about program development models, check out FYI’s toolkits on theory of change and logic models.

8 ResourcesActivitiesOutputsOutcomes What do you need to do your work? What are you offering to the community? How much are you doing? How many people are attending? What changes are you trying to make in your community?

9  Use your program planning tool to build an evaluation process  Evaluation Questions What will you measure to show success How will you measure success? What does success look like? How will you document and assess your measures?

10 Outcomes/ ImpactIndicators (Measurements) What changes are you trying to make in your community? How can you measure those changes?

11 Build a case Make your ask Demonstrate the impact

12 Using Language to Strengthen your Grant Application

13  Ensure that you: Read the grant program guidelines Speak to a grant program manager Explore the funder’s website  You will: Learn the language that the funder uses to describe issues, solutions, community …. Make a connection and build a relationship with funder

14  If you use language that the funder understands: there is more of a chance that they will understand your program or service They will more easily see how your program or service fits into their mission and mandate

15  Do not abandon your own language, but be strategic  Choose carefully what words or phrases will the funder understand  KNOW what you are trying to offer and accomplish?

16  What is jargon? special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand  What are acronyms? A short-form using the first letters of the name of something

17  It’s best to start by assuming that the people reading and assessing your proposal are not from your sector or your community: Avoid jargon (have a friend or family member read your proposal and point out words they don’t understand!) Always provide full names of things first and show people what short form you’ll use (ex. Rest in peace (RIP) )

18  While our contexts, programs, services, communities and neighbourhoods are often complex and dynamic, using simple language helps get our point across most effectively. !

19 1. Why would you use a story framework to help outline your project ask? 2. How do you build a case for your project? 3. What tools can you use to develop your program and your program outcomes? 4. How can you eliminate jargon from your application?

20 Got questions or concerns? Contact the CORE team at or follow them on twitter @fyiCORE!

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