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UNIVERSITY QUESTIONS. MODULE 1 ( 1 & 2 MARK)  list out two functions of cumulative records ?  what is cumulative records  what is performance appraisal.

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2 MODULE 1 ( 1 & 2 MARK)  list out two functions of cumulative records ?  what is cumulative records  what is performance appraisal  expand SMC, TQM  what is the importance of service book  what you mean by student profile

3 Module 1 ( 4 mark )  what are the qualities of a HM ?  duties and responsibilities of HM ?  enumerate the duties of HM  find out five main principles of organizing co- curricular activities ?

4 Module 1 ( essay )  Define the term educational management. Enumerate the scope and characteristics of educational management.

5 Module 2 ( 1 & 2 mark )  principles of time table  two functions of staff council  mention the major components of a school plant  advantages of timetable  functions of staff council  feature of SDP  functions of school complex  what is community school

6 Module 2 ( 4 mark )  list out the major functions of school complex  mention the steps involved in institutional planning  principles of time table construction  explain the functions and advantages of school complex  explain the role of PTA  what you mean by neighborhood school, mention any two advantage  Describe the organization of school library.

7 Module 2 ( essay )  Discuss the importance of a school time table. How will you make time table of your school effective?  The effectiveness of instruction depends on the quality of the library, maintained by the institution. substantiate

8 Module 3 (1 & 2 mark )  four tools of evaluation  Validity is a condition for reliability. explain  function of evaluation  distinguish between validity and reliability  write 2 fill in the blank question  distinguish between formative and summative evaluation  write 2 advantages of short answer question over essay type

9  point out two measure used for finding reliability of a test  construct objective type question from optional subjects  what is formative evaluation  define CCE

10 Modele 3 ( 4 mark )  mention any four features of modern concept of evaluation  briefly explain any two essential qualities of a good evaluation tool  What are objective type questions? construct a multiple choice items from your optional subject

11  what are the qualities of a good evaluating tool  Grade is better than index of performance. justify  Discuss the concept of validity and reliability  what are the rules observed while constructing multiple choice question  essay type have no validity and reliability justify

12 Module 3 ( essay )  What is evaluation? how it is different from measurement, briefly outline the different tools commonly used in our classroom  List the techniques and tool of evaluation. Explain the basic attributes of good measuring instrument?  Differentiate measurement and evaluation. What are the functions of evaluation? explain the major technique employed in evaluating pupil performance


14 (1 & 2 MARK)  compute the mean Of …………… ?  Compute median of …………….?  define standard deviation  what is measures of central tendency  write 2 advantages of graphical representation of data  distinguish AVERAGE AND AVERAGES

15 ( 4 mark )  briefly explain measures of dispersion  distinguish between frequency polygon and frequency curve with the help of a rough diagram

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