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WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager 1 st PCT meeting 3&4 May 2007 Strasbourg EuroVO.

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Presentation on theme: "WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager 1 st PCT meeting 3&4 May 2007 Strasbourg EuroVO."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager 1 st PCT meeting 3&4 May 2007 Strasbourg EuroVO – DCA Project

2 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager - Assessment of the first six months activity - Updated program for the next six months - Discussion of the census information collection and collation - Review report to the Board - Preparation of the 2nd report to EU (due on May 2007) Objectives of the meeting

3 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager WP1 Management EuroVO-DCA Project FIRST PCT MEETING 3 & 4 May 2007

4 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Management Activities – WP1 Objectives To oversee the project on behalf of all partners General matters Maintenance of the Consortium Agreement Overview of the project, including WP activities (milestones) General reporting of the project to the European Commission Co-ordination of financial and administrative matters Project external presence

5 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Project Overview (1) – General matters Project Directory : take a look for update if needed Reporting templates and guidelines : see the following webpage : Maintenance of the self-evaluation matrix Dissemination of the project information

6 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Project Overview (2) – Consortium Agreement Signature of the Consortium Agreement by all partners MPG proposed an amendment to this document and asked for Agreement (art. 9.2 : Intellectual Property Rights) →See document in your folder The content of the amendment should not be any problem: Has already been accepted by INAF, ESO, CNRS and LU Verification by the legal departments for ESA, INTA and NOVA

7 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Project Overview (3) – Project Schedule

8 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Project Overview (4) – Milestones Project Kick-off (September 1 st, 2006) : WP 1 & 2 activities start Board kick-off meeting (October 2&3, 2006) : Strasbourg Beginning of cycle 1 (November 2006): WP 3, 4, 5 & 6 activities start D2 “Preliminary Project Plan” (11/12/2006) : OK First report to EU (12/01/2007) : OK 2 nd Board meeting (February 1&2, 2007) : Garching D1 “EuroVO-DCA website” (19/03/2007) : OK First PCT meeting : today

9 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Project Overview (5) – Reporting Reports since the beginning of the project : 1 st report to EU : CNRS + All partners D2 – Preliminary Project Plan : CNRS + All partners D1 – Project Website: CNRS Next reports until the end of cycle 1 : 2 nd report to EU (May 2007) : CNRS + All partners D6 - First EuroVO-DCA Workshop (initial date : August 2007 – Actual date : June 2007) : ESA D3 – Revised Project plan (October 2007) : CNRS + All partners D15 - First Periodic Report (October 2007) : CNRS + All partners D10 – Euro-VO Theory Workshop (January 2008) : MPG D12 – Euro-VO Computational Grids Workshop (January 2008) : INAF

10 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Financial and Administrative matters (1) Contact point : Laurence ARBOUSSE + CNRS Please remind that we will need an audit : - at the end of the first reporting period (October 2007) - at the end of the project (December 2008) Make sure that you are aware of the information required by your audit authorities More information can be found on these web pages : certificates-2006-01-31_en.pdf

11 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Financial and Administrative matters (2) Project partners will have to provide their list of expenses including : Hiring of personnel Travel expenses. travel to internal project body meetings (TEG, IST, …). travels to the workshops. technical visits

12 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Management – External Presence (1) The DCA external presence has been assured through participation to several meetings and events : IST 2006 conference (21-23 November 2006) : Helsinki BELIEF conference (14-15 December 2006) : Delhi Etc… (see first report to EU) Next events : IVOA event (May 2007) : China BELIEF Conference (25-28 June 2007) : Brazil Etc…

13 WP1- Management EuroVO-DCA 1 st PCT Meeting – 3&4 May 2007 Mathias DEPRETZ – EuroVO-DCA Project Manager Management – External Presence (2) The project external presence has also been assured through the DCA project website and TWiki (Partners task to update) Poster created by Mark Allen for the Spectroscopy workshop Brussels has asked for our contribution for the preparation of a new brochure : “e-Infrastructures : success stories” (deadline = May 21 st ) It would be useful to create our own brochure, presenting the DCA project, which can be used and spread during the events

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