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PaintingPainting M. Ryan Academic Decathlon 2005-06 M. Ryan Academic Decathlon 2005-06.

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1 PaintingPainting M. Ryan Academic Decathlon 2005-06 M. Ryan Academic Decathlon 2005-06

2 PaintingPainting Paint is composed of three materials: o Pigment o Binder o Solvent PBS Paint is composed of three materials: o Pigment o Binder o Solvent PBS

3 PaintingPainting Pigment: natural or synthetic colored materials finely ground into a powder. Clay, gemstones, minerals, plants, insects Pigment: natural or synthetic colored materials finely ground into a powder. Clay, gemstones, minerals, plants, insects

4 PaintingPainting Binder: holds the pigment together and adheres the paint to a surface. Egg yolks, linseed oil, wax Binder: holds the pigment together and adheres the paint to a surface. Egg yolks, linseed oil, wax

5 PaintingPainting Solvent: added to thin or thicken paint, slow or speed up its drying time. Water or oil. Solvent: added to thin or thicken paint, slow or speed up its drying time. Water or oil.

6 PaintingPainting Paint can be applied with a variety of tools: brushes, fingers, painting knives, sticks.

7 PaintingPainting Types of paint: Tempera Oil Watercolor Gouache Acrylic Encaustic Casein Types of paint: Tempera Oil Watercolor Gouache Acrylic Encaustic Casein

8 PaintingPainting Tempera: water based, egg binder, used prior to 1400’s, colors cannot be mixed, narrow range, fast-drying

9 PaintingPainting Oil: easily mixed, more permanent, used after 1400, slow-drying, can be used in thin layers called glazes or in thick lumps to make an impasto surface.

10 PaintingPainting Watercolor: most common water-based paint, transparent. White paint is seldom used to lighten paint (water is used ) Light colors are applied first, then dark, working from background to foreground. http://www.artlex. com/ArtLex/wxyz/ watercolor.html

11 PaintingPainting Gouache: water-based opaque paint, it has more body and dries more slowly than watercolor. Similar to tempera.

12 PaintingPainting Acrylic: synthetic paint with plastic binder recent (20 th century), versatile, similar to oil but dries faster, not as shiny Acrylic: synthetic paint with plastic binder recent (20 th century), versatile, similar to oil but dries faster, not as shiny

13 PaintingPainting Encaustic: ancient process of mixing pigments with wax, and then ironing the mixture to a surface.

14 PaintingPainting Casein: uses milk protein as a binder, glue-like consistency Too brittle to be used on canvas. Casein: uses milk protein as a binder, glue-like consistency Too brittle to be used on canvas.

15 PaintingPainting Fresco: mixing pigments with plaster (walls, ceilings) Buon “true” Fresco: paint is bound in the wet plaster Fresco secco: paint is applied to dry plaster. Fresco: mixing pigments with plaster (walls, ceilings) Buon “true” Fresco: paint is bound in the wet plaster Fresco secco: paint is applied to dry plaster.

16 PaintingPainting Paint tube: invented in the late 19 th Century Tremendous impact on style and subject matter: impressionismimpressionism Paint tube: invented in the late 19 th Century Tremendous impact on style and subject matter: impressionismimpressionism Allowed artists to move out of the studio. “en plein air”en plein air

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