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Literacy At Hikutaia School Information for Parents Written Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy At Hikutaia School Information for Parents Written Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy At Hikutaia School Information for Parents Written Language

2 Hikutaia School Ultra-net Information Calendar of events Class pages Newsletter Stationery Photos

3 New Zealand Curriculum Document http://nzcurriculum.tki. Parents.aspx

4 What is English about? English is the study, use, and enjoyment of the English language and its literature, communicated orally, visually, and in writing, for a range of purposes and audiences and in a variety of text forms. Learning English encompasses learning the language, learning through the language, and learning about the language. Understanding, using, and creating oral, written, and visual texts of increasing complexity is at the heart of English teaching and learning. By engaging with text-based activities, students become increasingly skilled and sophisticated speakers and listeners, writers and readers, presenters and viewers.

5 How is the learning area structured? English is structured around two interconnected strands, each encompassing the oral, written and visual forms of the language. The strands differentiate between the modes in which students are primarily: making meaning of ideas or information they receive (listening, reading and viewing) creating meaning for themselves or others (speaking, writing and presenting).

6 Introducing Mrs Cameron Teacher - Room 5

7 Picture used to prompt writing Copy under Teacher script Correct pen grip to attempt letter shape Teacher demonstrates directional movement Teacher demonstrates spaces between words

8 Recognise and use some high- frequency words Spaces between words Attempt to use capitals Recognise beginning sound in words Picture prompt still required Directionality secure Teacher continues to write more difficult words

9 Understand use of capital letters and full stops Beginning and end sounds of words evident Able to use more high-frequency words Begin to use some common spelling patterns eg: ing,s To use simple sentences with some variation in beginnings Self correct with Teacher support

10 To use more correctly spelt words than approximations To locate approximations by underlining To correct approximations by using a word source To begin to sequence ideas Capitals letters and full stops evident Beginning to understand the different purposes of writing eg: expressive,recount

11 Introducing Mrs Smith Teacher Room 4

12 Learning Objectives Years 3 and 4 To plan, organise and turn ideas into connected sentences To write for the purpose To check/ proofread and edit their writing To use interesting and ambitious words in their writing To apply simple spelling rules – (plurals, ) To use their phonic knowledge – (phone, laugh, Friday) To use punctuation. ? ! to end sentences and to put capital letters in the right place. To write simple and compound sentences with some variation in their beginnings To use simple conjunctions correctly – joining words

13 Uses full stops and capital letters with support Can identify dominant sounds uses some spelling patterns Good awareness of audience Uses simple past tense Can write in sentences Factual writing - Room 4



16 Introducing Mrs Player Teacher - Room 1

17 The Process for Writing  Thinking, Style, Audience, sharing  Planning – brainstorming, ideas, research, criteria  Draft writing -1st  Proof Reading – sense, punctuation, spelling  Editing, Reworking, rewording – improving, additions, deletions, helping each other  Checking criteria  Writing – final  Publishing - format, illustrations

18 Recount Writing From To Right next to the tent, just off a rough rocky ledge which stretches out in to the bay, a massive stingray fed on some fish scraps that we had thrown out. Everybody had a good look at the magnificent stingray; one brave person was even standing in the cold murky water, right beside the stingray taking photos.

19 Genre Personal expressive – own personal story Recount – retelling of an event, experience Instructions, Procedures – such as a recipe Explanations – how made, achieved Persuasive, Argument – presenting a point of view Narrative - a story, can be fantasy Reports - factual, informative Letters – formal and informal Poetic

20 An Example of Report Writing

21 Reading and Writing Links Reading and writing are closely linked Receiving and communicating meaning Prior knowledge and experience Use print - same conventions, language features Create the image, the meaning, information Read like writers and write like readers Reading writing links reinforce, extend learner Notice and use the links

22 Literacy Games Go and have a play… Ideas to take away… Hope you have enjoyed your evening. Supper is in the junior kitchen.

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