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Lesson 10 Southern Colonies. Characteristics of the Southern Colonies Mostly English. Mostly Anglican. Least densely populated Widely scattered plantations.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10 Southern Colonies. Characteristics of the Southern Colonies Mostly English. Mostly Anglican. Least densely populated Widely scattered plantations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10 Southern Colonies


3 Characteristics of the Southern Colonies Mostly English. Mostly Anglican. Least densely populated Widely scattered plantations and farms

4 Virginia’s Development House of Burgesses: The first legislature in America.

5 First blacks in America arrived in 1619.

6 Establishment of Maryland Established by Lord Baltimore as a refuge for Catholics.

7 Toleration Act of 1649 created religious toleration for anyone professing a belief in Christ.

8 Establishment of the Carolinas. Both started as a proprietary colony. North Carolina was known for tobacco. South Carolina was known for indigo and rice.

9 Establishment of Georgia Established by James Oglethorpe.

10 Last of the original 13 colonies. Was meant to be a military buffer between Spanish Florida and the rest of the English colonies. Was meant to be a refuge for English debtor prisoners.

11 Homework Read pp. Quiz Study notes

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