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CUISINE OF BRAZIL 15 30 31 43 卉秋 子懿 鳳鈴 庭寬. 巴西飲食 早餐 (café da manhã ) 30 徐子懿 Ann.

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Presentation on theme: "CUISINE OF BRAZIL 15 30 31 43 卉秋 子懿 鳳鈴 庭寬. 巴西飲食 早餐 (café da manhã ) 30 徐子懿 Ann."— Presentation transcript:

1 CUISINE OF BRAZIL 15 30 31 43 卉秋 子懿 鳳鈴 庭寬

2 巴西飲食 早餐 (café da manhã ) 30 徐子懿 Ann

3  This is a very common breakfast in Brazil. Its made by bread 、 cheese and ham. 30 徐子懿 Ann

4  The breakfast in Brazil is very simple. For example, bread 、 toast or cake. 30 徐子懿 Ann

5  Its is a thin pancake.  It tastes like Chinese omelet. 30 徐子懿 Ann

6  This is a shop which sales the jam.  Brazillian usually have bread during the breakfast. So the jam is very important. 30 徐子懿 Ann

7 Feijoada 黑奴飯  Long time ago, Brazil had lots of lots of slaves from Africa. In order to full them, that’s why the Feijoada born! It’s really cheap and easy to made. But now its just like 滷肉 飯 in Taiwan. 31 張鳳鈴 Caroline

8 Muqueca Mista 綜合海鮮濃湯  Shrimps, fish, tomatoes, onion..  You can mix it with rice or noodles, but you can also taste it like normal soup. 31 張鳳鈴 Caroline

9 X-Tudo 豪華綜合堡  NTD$120  X means burger in Brazil. X-chicken means chicken burger…etc.  X-Tudo means everything you wanna have in your burger, yes, you can order one X-Tudo! 31 張鳳鈴 Caroline

10 炸雞肉串 Deep Fried Chicken  Local food  bar look ( 長條狀 )  Also have Deep Fried Beef  just like 鹹酥雞 in Taiwan. 31 張鳳鈴 Caroline

11 Brazilian BBQ ․ Brazilian BBQ is one of the most famous cuisine in Brazil. ․ they like to eat the original taste of the meat so the only flavoring is salt. 15 潘卉秋

12 Pão de Queijo  It’s a kind of Brazilian cheese bread.  Made with tapioca flour.  It is a popular breakfast dish and snack. 15 潘卉秋

13 Empada ․ An empada is a stuffed bread or pastry baked in Southern Europe, Latin America. ․ The name comes from the Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish verb empanar, meaning to wrap or coat in bread. ․ Empanadas are made by folding dough or bread around stuffing, which usually consists of a variety of meat, cheese, huitlacoche, vegetables or fruits, among others. 15 潘卉秋

14 Churro calienteChurro caliente( 熱炸棒 ) Churro means handsome man in Paraguay( 巴拉圭 ). Churro caliente is a kind of dessert in Brazil. It usually be with chocolate,coconut sauce or jam. 43 林庭寬

15 Aca i Acai is a kind of tropical Fruit. It looks like bluebarry. It is also called Brazilbarry( 巴西莓 ). Akai tree looks like Areca( 檳榔樹 ). 43 林庭寬

16 dulce con leche 巴西牛奶糖 It is very sweet and Sticky. It is not solid but Liquid. It is very sweet. 43 林庭寬

17 Brazilian food The end

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