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What’s the Matter? What are properties of matter? Mrs. Haering’s class.

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2 What’s the Matter? What are properties of matter? Mrs. Haering’s class

3 Physical Properties of Matter Color State Smell Taste Can you name physical properties of cheese?

4 Physical Change A physical change changes what the object looks like without changing what the object is made of. What could cause a physical change in a piece of cheese?

5 Melt the cheeseGrate the cheese Cut the cheese Paint the cheese

6 Chemical Properties of Matter A chemical property is a property that describes how a substance reacts with other substances. The only way that you can observe a material’s chemical property is to change the material to a different kind of material.

7 Chemical Change During a chemical change, a new substance is formed. You can have a chemical change in paper when you burn it, because ashes are a different substance than paper.

8 Physical or Chemical??? Chemical Change

9 Physical or Chemical??? Chemical Change

10 Physical or Chemical??? Physical Change

11 Physical or Chemical??? Physical Change

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