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NEW MEXICO STATE PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT GRANT (SPDG) Using iPads for Collecting Implementation and Fidelity of Implementation Data OSEP.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW MEXICO STATE PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT GRANT (SPDG) Using iPads for Collecting Implementation and Fidelity of Implementation Data OSEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW MEXICO STATE PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT GRANT (SPDG) Using iPads for Collecting Implementation and Fidelity of Implementation Data OSEP

2 Overview  Process &benefits for collecting data on iPads  Implementation – Consultant Log  Fidelity of Implementation – System-level Assessment

3 Program and Evaluation Design  What:  Promoting evidence-based practices (OSEP Performance Measures) to address needs of students with disabilities (SPP Indicators)  Educational Plans for Student Success  RtI Principles

4 Program and Evaluation Design  How:  Professional Development Events  Site-Based Technical Assistance  Mini-Grants

5 Data Collection and Analysis  Consultant Protocols  Consultant log  Fidelity Checklists (core features based on EPSS)  Define implementation  Document dosage  Promotes standardized practices  Identifies conditions for success

6 Benefits  NOT web-based. Efficient, decentralized collection without need for real-time Internet connection. Synch for centralized security/management.  Detail. Checkboxes and drop-down menus. Linked to registration. Drill down to individuals  Compliance. Low burden. High convenience. More comprehensive picture of the training and technical assistance deployed to districts.

7 Data Collection and Analysis  Accuracy. The web-based form improves the accuracy of data through: (a) embedded help to ensure that all SPPIP consultants have a common understanding of the data being requested; required fields to ensure completeness; and (c) “forced” selections to standardize responses.  Utility. Data collection is real time (on synching) and ongoing allowing for monitoring and on-demand reporting at multiple levels: program, consultant, district, and school.

8 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

9 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

10 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

11 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

12 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

13 evaluation | research | technical assistance Demo iPad Tools

14 evaluation | research | technical assistance Results: Mission Areas

15 evaluation | research | technical assistance Results: Method

16 evaluation | research | technical assistance Results: Systems Checklist *not unduplicated

17 Challenges  New Technology. Learning Curve (for everyone)  Compliance. Did not solve – and now progress is hidden.  Reports. Need to develop iPad reports for immediate feedback.

18 evaluation | research | technical assistance Contact Carlos Romero

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