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(“The Oracle of Thoth,” “The Oracle Speaks,” and “Where is Security”)

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Presentation on theme: "(“The Oracle of Thoth,” “The Oracle Speaks,” and “Where is Security”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (“The Oracle of Thoth,” “The Oracle Speaks,” and “Where is Security”)

2 A person who delivers wise and influential information. Noun  "Among the stuff reported to the class was a list of the countries that had depended on oracles to help the rulers decide how to run things."

3 A half-conscious state; a dazed or bewildered condition.  "She would go into a trance, and then she would speak with the voice of the gods." Noun

4 To proceed or work rapidly. Verb  "When Toby had backed to where the others were kneeling, he got them up and hustled them out of the temple."

5 A long journey made to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion. Noun  "Horemheb, the famous general, has come on a pilgrimage to the grotto of the Oracle of Thoth to ask a terribly important question."

6 A cave or cavern. Noun  "Horemheb, the famous general, has come on a pilgrimage to the grotto of the Oracle of Thoth to ask a terribly important question."

7 To engage in thought or reflect. Verb  " they usually shut themselves up for days without any food and meditated until they felt very pure.."

8 Of or pertaining to a king; royal. Adjective  "Her calmly regal high- priestess expression faded and she frowned as she read each side again."

9 To occupy the place of authority or control. Verb  “Toby presided again as the high priest, and his ceremony was almost exactly the same as the day before."

10 To bother persistently with annoyances. Verb  "Marshall wanted Security back, and Melanie wanted Marshall to quit pestering her and be himself again.”

11 Moving or swaying back and forth; unsteady. Adjective  "In the same small wavery hand that had answered Ken's question, the oracle had written."

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