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List #11 Vocabulary English Pds. 4, 6 & 7

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1 List #11 Vocabulary English Pds. 4, 6 & 7

2 1. Infinite Definition: Never-ending; going on forever
Part of Speech: Adjective Example sentences: Her mother seemed to have an infinite number of questions about Jenny’s date with Thor. The teacher had infinite patience and never lost her temper, no matter how far her students pushed her.

3 2. Abduct Definition: to kidnap Part of Speech: verb
Example sentences: Mrs. Jenkin’s biggest fear was that her daughter would be abducted, so she watched her closely whenever they went to Kennywood Amusement Park. I don’t understand how they can keep making Taken movies; every time it’s clear that someone will get abducted.

4 3. Textiles Definition: woven materials; cloth Part of Speech: noun
Example sentences: The Home Goods store has a large collection of textiles for the customers to browse through. Clothing manufacturers make many purchases from textile factories.

5 4. Loathe Definition: to hate Part of Speech: verb Example sentences:
Cadence loathed broccoli and groaned every time her mother made it for dinner. “I loathe wrapping presents,” said Ashley. “It’s such a waste of time because it takes hours to wrap the gifts, and it takes only seconds for the kids to rip it all off.”

6 5. Unscrupulous Definition: Dishonest; immoral
Part of Speech: adjective Example sentences: The unscrupulous coach encouraged his team to cheat whenever they could. The businessman was so unscrupulous that he cheated people who lived in nursing homes.

7 6. Controversial Definition: Debatable; likely to cause disagreement
Part of Speech: adjective Example sentences: The decision to eliminate uniforms at St. Mary’s School was quite controversial. Many of Madonna’s music videos are controversial, and so are most of the Kardashian’s tweets.

8 7. TURBULENT Definition: wild; unstable Part of Speech: adjective
Example sentences: Everyone wishes Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber would break up. They have such a turbulent relationship. The injured seal in Paw Patrol was having trouble staying afloat in the turbulent waters. Pups to the rescue!

9 8. Nocturnal Definition: active at night Part of Speech: adjective
Example sentences: Many owls are nocturnal. That’s why they see so well in the dark. “My dog is nocturnal, and she loves to go out at 2:00 a.m.,” said Marta.

10 9. Tout Definition: to praise highly Part of Speech: verb
Example sentences: James Brown has been touted as the “Godfather of Soul.” Mr. Octave had been touted as one of the best drama directors in the state, so the school was delighted to hire him.

11 10. Smug Definition: self-satisfied to an annoying degree
Part of Speech: adjective Example sentences: Marcos was so smug about the A he got on his grammar test. He bragged about it to anyone who would listen. Carla was smug about knowing the answer when no one else did.

12 11. Façade Definition: the face or front of something, especially an artificial or false front Part of Speech: noun Example sentences: Jessica’s bravery was just a façade. Deep down she was terrified to ride the zip line. The building had a brick façade, but it was really constructed of wood.

13 12. Vehement Definition: forceful; full of intense feeling
Part of Speech: noun and adverb Example sentences: Ella took a vehement dislike to tomatoes after she ate too many of them and got sick. The girl vehemently denied having a crush on Thor even though she had a picture of him as her screensaver on her phone.

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