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NCAR RP Update Rich Loft NCAR RPPI May 7, 2009. NCAR Teragrid RP Developments Current Cyberinfrastructure –5.7 TFlops/2048 core Blue Gene/L system –100.

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Presentation on theme: "NCAR RP Update Rich Loft NCAR RPPI May 7, 2009. NCAR Teragrid RP Developments Current Cyberinfrastructure –5.7 TFlops/2048 core Blue Gene/L system –100."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCAR RP Update Rich Loft NCAR RPPI May 7, 2009

2 NCAR Teragrid RP Developments Current Cyberinfrastructure –5.7 TFlops/2048 core Blue Gene/L system –100 TB storage cluster –1.5 PB SL8500 Tape archive with 1 PB media running HPSS/HSI –Sun DAV visualization node –Chronopolis data preservation testbed New Cyberinfrastructure Developments –Possible Blue Gene/L Expansion to 22.8 TF system with 8192 cores –100 TFLOPS MRI System @ CU with NCAR 10% stakeholder –DAV node upgrade to more capable 8 core system with larger memory –Proposal to expand HPSS Archive to 2.5 PB. Science Gateway developments –Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP). Successful launch of the Kepler spacecraft increases potential scientific impact of this gateway. –Looking at hosting Research Data Archive on HPSS 2

3 The NCAR Grid CI Local Computational Cluster WAN Network HPC Data Storage Cluster 10Gb/s HPSS Tape Library Shared Filesystems Science Gateways Chronopolis Switch 1/20/2016 DAV node(s) Regional Computational Cluster(s) TeraGrid 1-2.5 PB SATA storage 1-4 BG/L racks

4 Frost Usage – Last 12 months TeraGrid vs Non TeraGrid 4

5 Using the TeraGrid to Understand the Stars and Search for Planets: Problem: The oscillations modes of stars give clues to the stellar interior. Accurate modeling of these oscillations can tell us the size, composition and age of stars, and in turn help interpret the data returned by NASA’s Kepler Mission in the hunt for Earth-like extrasolar planets. Solution: NCAR is working with the international science community to develop a TeraGrid science gateway to fit oscillation data with stellar models to determine these parameters automatically for large numbers of stars. Key Elements: international science impact, gateway technology. 1/20/2016 The turbulent solar atmosphere captured with NASA’s TRACE satellite is overlaid with a model of one of the millions of oscillation modes that allow scientists to deduce the Sun’s hidden internal structure and dynamics. Similar measurements are now being made for other solar-type stars.

6 NCAR Research Data Archive – Primarily Meteorological and Oceanographic datasets –> 200 person-years invested in RDA –RDA managed by 8 staff members –246 TB (currently) –580 datasets – ~10-20 new datasets added annually 6

7 1/20/20167 Contents of the RDA 580 RDA datasets

8 1/20/20168 Users

9 1/20/2016 Comeaux/Worley/Dattore - SCD/DSS 9

10 Thanks!

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