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Subject-Matter Expert Evaluator Orientation Center for the Assessment of Post-Traditional Instruction, Training and Learning at Excelsior College.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject-Matter Expert Evaluator Orientation Center for the Assessment of Post-Traditional Instruction, Training and Learning at Excelsior College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject-Matter Expert Evaluator Orientation Center for the Assessment of Post-Traditional Instruction, Training and Learning at Excelsior College

2 Welcome to Excelsior Thank you for agreeing to serve as an evaluator for Excelsior College. Your time and expertise will allow us to continue to recognize the knowledge, skills and abilities our adult students have gained through workplace training, industry credentials and other “non- traditional” learning experiences.

3 Agenda Today’s orientation will include: 1- A brief overview of Excelsior’s mission and philosophy.* 2- An introduction to CAPITAL and the evaluation process. 3- An overview of the steps involved in conducting your evaluation. *For more information about Excelsior College, please visit:

4 Excelsior College provides educational opportunity to adult learners with an emphasis on those historically underrepresented in higher education. The College meets students where they are — academically and geographically, offering quality instruction and the assessment of learning. Excelsior College Mission Statement:

5 The Excelsior Model For over forty years, the guiding philosophy of Excelsior College has been–“What you know is more important than where or how you learned it.” ® As such, we recognize learning that has taken place outside of academia. This practice helps to increase access and speed time to degree completion for working adult students. Prior Learning Portfolio credit Credit for Military or Corporate Training Transfer Credit from other institutions Credit by Exam options Credit for Industry Certifications Sources of Credit

6 Why offer credit for prior learning? Source: Klein-Collins, B. (2010). Fueling the Race to Postsecondary Success. Council for Adult and Experiential Learning. Chicago, IL. Students with earned credit for prior learning are 2.5 more likely to enroll, persist and complete. Based on 48 institutions, 62,475 students CPL=Credit for Prior Learning

7 The Excelsior Student Spring 2015 Enrollment: 38,931

8 Our “Typical” Student….

9 The CAPITAL Evaluation Process The Center for the Assessment of Post- Traditional Instruction, Training and Learning provides oversight of the academic credit evaluation of workplace training and industry credentials for the College. The center is under supervision of the Vice Provost and is housed in Office of Student and Faculty Services.

10 The Evaluation Process CAPITAL recruits subject-matter experts to conduct academic evaluation of training program or certification. CAPITAL compiles Evaluator reports and submits a final report to Deans for faculty approval. Subject Matter Experts CAPITAL staff Employer or Training Sponsor Academic Schools CAPITAL Reporting and Faculty Approval With Provost approval, CAPITAL contracts with training sponsor to pre-screen and collect relevant materials needed for evaluation. 1 2 3

11 Your Role as an Evaluator  To serve as an impartial representative of Excelsior College.  To serve as an advisor to CAPITAL and the training or exam sponsor.  To determine and recommend credit equivalencies when warranted.  To supply detailed rationale for resulting credit awards.

12 Logistics…. CAPITAL provides you with…  A formal letter of agreement  All course/exam materials  A report template  A requested completion date  Assistance with the evaluation  Additional materials as requested  A payment voucher (upon completion of report) You provide CAPITAL with…  Your time and expertise  Your resume, CV or bio  A signed letter of agreement  Questions or concerns  A completed report by the requested due date  A signed voucher for payment

13 Questions during the evaluation process? Contact: Tanya Scime, Project Coordinator, CAPITAL, 518-464-8783, Contact: Tina Grant, Executive Director, CAPITAL, 518-464-8567,

14 Before we get started…. Many times evaluators worry about the responsibility of assigning academic credit. Please remember that you are making recommendations and the final decision to award credit rests within our academic units in accordance with accreditation guidelines. All credit recommendations must be reviewed and approved by Excelsior College faculty advisory councils.

15 Conducting an Evaluation Step 1 Review the materials provided. Alert CAPITAL if you are missing anything needed to complete the review. Material may include:  A syllabus and comprehensive list of learning objectives  All instructional materials (lectures, labs, slides, etc.)  Copies of all assignments and assessments given  Instructors’ qualifications (usually pre-screened by CAPITAL)  Grading guidelines (rubrics) and sample student work, if requested and available.  For certification exams: test plan and psychometric information.. Review the materials provided. Alert CAPITAL if you are missing anything needed to complete the review. Material may include:  A syllabus and comprehensive list of learning objectives  All instructional materials (lectures, labs, slides, etc.)  Copies of all assignments and assessments given  Instructors’ qualifications (usually pre-screened by CAPITAL)  Grading guidelines (rubrics) and sample student work, if requested and available.  For certification exams: test plan and psychometric information..

16 Conducting an Evaluation Step 2 Begin to answer the questions on the report template provided. Record your answers and provide as much detail as possible. Please Note Please Note: Not every question will be applicable to the type of training/exam you are reviewing, and a “no” answer does not necessarily preclude the awarding of credit. Begin to answer the questions on the report template provided. Record your answers and provide as much detail as possible. Please Note Please Note: Not every question will be applicable to the type of training/exam you are reviewing, and a “no” answer does not necessarily preclude the awarding of credit.

17 Conducting an Evaluation Step 2 Although it is not always possible to find a one-to-one comparison, try to find course analogs so you can compare the course or exam content and outcomes to those found in a typical college course.  Overall, does the breadth and depth of the course/exam compare to college-level?  What are the strengths of the training program; what are some suggestions for improvement? Although it is not always possible to find a one-to-one comparison, try to find course analogs so you can compare the course or exam content and outcomes to those found in a typical college course.  Overall, does the breadth and depth of the course/exam compare to college-level?  What are the strengths of the training program; what are some suggestions for improvement?

18 Please keep in mind…. Training and Education generally have different purposes. Training tends to be more experiential and less theoretical than education. Like education, training can vary greatly in scope and rigor based on content and context (e.g.: military leadership training vs. restaurant mgmt. training).

19 Focus on Outcomes…. To negotiate these differences, focus on student learning OUTCOMES more than inputs such as methods, instructor, textbooks, hours.

20 Determining Credit Equivalencies – Step 3 Generally, if the training or exam complements an existing degree program, and has sufficient depth to place it at the college level, it likely merits recommendation for credit. Determine:  Is the course or exam content comparable to college-level instruction?  How much credit, if any, should the course/exam be recommended for?  What degree level does the instruction correspond to? (lower/upper/graduate)  In what subject or content area(s) should credit be recommended? Generally, if the training or exam complements an existing degree program, and has sufficient depth to place it at the college level, it likely merits recommendation for credit. Determine:  Is the course or exam content comparable to college-level instruction?  How much credit, if any, should the course/exam be recommended for?  What degree level does the instruction correspond to? (lower/upper/graduate)  In what subject or content area(s) should credit be recommended?

21 Levels of Credit Awards…. Lower Level Lower Level – Generally the first two years of a two or four year degree program - introductory courses (100 or 200 level). Upper Level Upper Level – Generally the last two years of a four year degree program - more focused and detailed courses (300 to 400 level). Graduate Graduate – Meets rigor and scope of post-baccalaureate study. Course may be awarded both upper level and graduate credit giving students and faculty flexibility.

22 If Credit is Warranted…. Complete the report using the template provided. Please be sure to: include information regarding the level (lower, upper, graduate). indicate applicable content areas. break down the credit by content area instead of assigning block credit. This information helps guide our academic units in determining how the credit may be applied to our degree programs. Complete the report using the template provided. Please be sure to: include information regarding the level (lower, upper, graduate). indicate applicable content areas. break down the credit by content area instead of assigning block credit. This information helps guide our academic units in determining how the credit may be applied to our degree programs.

23 Examples of evaluated workplace training and credentials CompTIACSX Transportation Excelsior College recommends the following graduate level credits that can be applied for the CSX Six Sigma Certification:  3 GR credits in Quantitative Management (BUS 503)  3 GR credits in Operations Management (BUS 520)  3 GR credits in Project Management (BUS 530) or Quality Management (BUS 535)

24 Sample Credit Recommendations Basic: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 4 semester hours in Web Applications or Computer Science. Dual Levels: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 5 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion. Breaking down a block of credit: In the lower division associate/baccalaureate degree category, 12 semester hours: 6 semester hours in Health and Nutrition, 3 semester hours in Wellness, and 3 semester hours in Contemporary Health Issues.

25 If Credit is NOT Warranted… Contact CAPITAL first Contact CAPITAL first: Would it be helpful to speak with the training sponsor directly for clarification? Do you have all of the necessary information? Would you like to confer with another evaluator? Please provide a detailed report to CAPITAL supporting your finding and offer specific suggestions for improvement should the training provider wish to revise and resubmit at a later date.

26 Final Step: Submit Report and Payment Voucher Send via email or mail to: Tanya Scime, Project Coordinator, CAPITAL Excelsior College 7Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203 518-464-8783 Send via email or mail to: Tanya Scime, Project Coordinator, CAPITAL Excelsior College 7Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203 518-464-8783 What happens next? Your report will be reviewed. If clarification is needed, a staff member at CAPITAL will contact you. Your payment voucher will be processed; payment will be mailed to your home or sent to direct deposit, if applicable. You will be added to our database of evaluators and will be contacted when another evaluation falling under your purview is scheduled.

27 Thank you!

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