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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 1 Power Amp Effects for HRb OFDM Paul Chiuchiolo and.

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 1 Power Amp Effects for HRb OFDM Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster Intersil Corporation

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 2 Non-Ideal PA Effects for OFDM Spectral characteristics of PA input/output –BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM –Over-sample rate of 4x –Pulse shaping requirements same as 802.11a PER with PA –PA Output Backoff Backoff from full saturation –RAPP model used with p=2 and 3 Good approximation of existing amplifiers –6.6, 13.2, 26.4 and 59.4 Mbps, 1000 bytes –Oversample rate of 4x –Estimate subcarrier amp/phz over packet (non-ideal)

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 3 RAPP Power Amplifier (PA) Model (Amplitude out/in)

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 4 RAPP Power Amplifier (PA) Model (dB out/in) Output from Full Saturation

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 5 1 dB Compression Point vs. Full Saturation -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 0 12345678910 "p" parameter Output Power (dB) Output Power at 1 dB Compression Point Saturation Point Where is 1 dB Compression Point? P=2: 2 dB from Full Saturation P=3: 1 dB from Full Saturation

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 6 PA Back-off for 802.11b 802.11 DSSS Barker 802.11b mask PA: Rapp Model p = 2 Must Back-off PA 3.7 dB from full saturation to meet spectral mask.

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 7 PSD for PA Input with BPSK Subcarriers Equivalent 802.11a mask 11 MHz

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 8 PSD for PA Output with BPSK Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.7dB backoff=4.7dB backoff=8.2dB backoff=12.0dB P = 2 Backoff from Full Saturation

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 9 PSD for PA Output with BPSK Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.4dB backoff=4.6dB backoff=8.1dB backoff=12.0dB P = 3 Backoff from Full Saturation

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 10 PSD for PA Input with QPSK Subcarriers Equivalent 802.11a mask

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 11 PSD for PA Output with QPSK Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.7dB backoff=4.7dB backoff=8.2dB backoff=12.0dB P = 2 Backoff from Full Saturation

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 12 PSD for PA Output with QPSK Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.4dB backoff=4.6dB backoff=8.1dB backoff=12.0dB P = 3 Backoff from Full Saturation

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 13 PSD for PA Input with 16-QAM Subcarriers Equivalent 802.11a mask

14 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 14 PSD for PA Output with 16-QAM Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.7dB backoff=4.7dB backoff=8.2dB backoff=12.0dB P = 2 Backoff from Full Saturation

15 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 15 PSD for PA Output with 16-QAM Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.4dB backoff=4.6dB backoff=8.1dB backoff=12.0dB P = 3 Backoff from Full Saturation

16 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 16 PSD for PA Input with 64-QAM Subcarriers Equivalent 802.11a mask

17 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 17 PSD for PA Output with 64-QAM Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.7dB backoff=4.7dB backoff=8.2dB backoff=12.0dB P = 2 Backoff from Full Saturation

18 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 18 PSD for PA Output with 64-QAM Subcarriers backoff=16.0dB backoff=3.4dB backoff=4.6dB backoff=8.1dB backoff=12.0dB P = 3 Backoff from Full Saturation

19 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 19 PER for 6.6 Mbps with p=2 Backoff from full saturation. 1000 byte Packets Backoff from Full Saturation

20 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 20 PER for 6.6 Mbps with p=3 Backoff from full saturation. Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

21 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 21 PER for 13.2 Mbps with p=2 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

22 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 22 PER for 13.2 Mbps with p=3 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

23 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 23 PER for 26.4 Mbps with p=2 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

24 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 24 PER for 26.4 Mbps with p=3 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

25 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 25 PER for 59.4 Mbps with p=2 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

26 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 26 PER for 59.4 Mbps with p=3 Backoff from Full Saturation 1000 byte Packets

27 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 27 SNR Degradation Table 1000 byte Packets

28 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/393 Submission November 2000 Paul Chiuchiolo and Mark Webster, IntersilSlide 28 Conclusions At the lower data rates up to 13.2 Mbps, PA back-off is the same as 802.11b. Back-off PA more at higher data rates. P=3 is slightly better than p=2. OFDM is competitive

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