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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquakes

2 What happens during an earthquake disaster?
During an earthquake the ground shakes and can destroy very large buildings, roads, and almost everything else.

3 What causes an earthquake?
An earthquake is caused by the rubbing of two plates in the earths crust this causes the area on land to shift and shake.

4 Where does an earthquake happen?
Most earthquakes happen globally in different area, but if you look at the image on the page you can see that an earthquake can happen almost any wherein the world even under water.

5 Earthquake in Japan On march 11, 2011 an earthquake hit Japan and destroyed almost everything thousands died and millions of buildings crushed and destroyed.

6 California earthquake of 1989
This major earthquake caused 63 deaths, 3,757 injuries, and an estimated $ in property damage. It was the largest earthquake to occur on the San Andreas fault since the Great San Francisco earthquake in April 1906.

7 Sites that gave me this information on earthquakes Google images

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