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21-05-0360-001-00001 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN:21-05-0360-01-0000 Title: CARD Protocol for 802.21 Information Service Date Submitted:

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1 21-05-0360-001-00001 IEEE 802.21 MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN:21-05-0360-01-0000 Title: CARD Protocol for 802.21 Information Service Date Submitted: September 21, 2005 Presented at IEEE 802.21 session #10, Orange County, California Authors : Ajoy Singh (Motorola), Vivek Gupta (Intel) Sources (RFC 4066) : Ajoy Singh, Eunsoo Shim, Marco Liebsch,Hemant Chaskar and Daichi Funato Abstract: Provides overview of CARD (RFC 4066) and how it can be used for 802.21 MIH L3 transport

2 21-05-0360-001-00002 IEEE 802.21 presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.21 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.21. The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development> Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual

3 21-05-0360-001-00003 Background and Overview 802.21 WG has acknowledged the need for a higher layer protocol to enable secure Information Delivery at L3 and above We are glad to see that several folks are working to define requirements for a higher layer transport protocol and building WG consensus We also do realize it is too early to select a protocol or define a new protocol to support need for 802.21 Information service, but for the benefit of WG we would like to bring to the notice of WG a previous attempt to solve such problem by IETF and provide brief overview of outcome of IETF Work

4 21-05-0360-001-00004 CARD Protocol Overview A Protocol for Information Service in a Mobile Environment Defined by IETF SeaMoby WG under Transport Area and published as RFC 4066 on July 2005 Basic functionality Collect access network information Distribute access network information Provides a container protocol for Information delivery InfoElement not defined (flexibility for application to define its own) Provides security mechanism (support SEND and IPSEC) Provides an IANA registry that can be used to register various InfoElements to be carried by the protocol Supported Information distribution model: Request/Reply (Solicited) Mode Broadcast or multicast (Unsolicited) Mode

5 21-05-0360-001-00005 CARD To Support 802.21 IS Server based CARD defined in appendix of RFC4066 can be used Describes message exchange between UE and Information Server

6 21-05-0360-001-00006 CARD Protocol Details Possible applications: Fast handoff (seamless handoff) Load balancing between AR (s) Inter-technology handovers Multi-homing CARD messages Defined for communication between Mobile Node Network CARD Entity Uses ICMP for transport Defined for communication between two network CARD entities Uses SCTP or UDP for transport TLV based encoding is supported. Same message encoding used over MN Network CARD entity and Network CARD Entity Network CARD Entity interface Information query options Preferences: same as filters (specify what type of information is needed) (e.g. I am interested in Link Type.) Requirements: specify the conditions which are information types and required values (e.g. Link type should be 802.11.)

7 21-05-0360-001-00007 CARD Protocol Details Uses Sequence number to match CARD Request and CARD Response pair Supports reliable message delivery Allows CARD entity to send multiple CARD Reply messages in response to single CARD Request if entire content of Reply Message cannot be accommodated in a single ICMP Message. This behavior is only required for ICMP transport. CARD Request contains a list of AP Id (s) along with filters indicating the requested information. CARD supports two types of filters: Requirement Sub-Option Preference Sub-Option Using combination of Requirement and Preference filters all possible Information Requests can be made Reply is sent in response to Request and contains TLV encoded capability information aka InfoElement Supports in built security mechanisms to ensure secure information delivery

8 21-05-0360-001-00008 CARD Message Encoding CARD Sub-options CARD Option Transport Header Transport Header : IP/UDP, IP/SCTP, ICMP etc. CARD Options: CARD Request / CARD Reply CARD Sub-options: AVP (attribute Value Pair) for CARD Capabilities aka InfoElements

9 21-05-0360-001-00009 Sub-options Sequence Number Type CARD Request Option Encoding Length VersionsFlagsReserved CARD Request is sent by CARD entity to request capability information from other CARD entity.

10 21-05-0360-001-000010 CARD Reply Option Encoding Sub-options Sequence Number Type Length VersionsFlagsReserved Sent in response to CARD Request Sub-option Contains Capability Container sub-options Capability Container Sub-options contains TLV encoded InfoElements

11 21-05-0360-001-000011 CARD Sub-options Encoding Sub-Option Type Sub-option Length Sub-options Data Sub-options (example) Container Sub-options: L2 ID Sub-options : Encodes L2 ID of AP / BTS Address : Encodes IPv4/IPv6 address of Access Router Capability Container Sub-option : Contains list of TLV containing information elements Filter Sub-options: Preferences : Carries information about the attribute of interest to the requesting entity Requirements : Carries information about attribute value pair required for pre-filtering

12 21-05-0360-001-000012 Neighbor InformationNeighboring network information AllTechnology specific information SecurityLink layer security supported AllTechnology specific, e.g. WEP in 802.11, 802.11i, PKM in 802.16 UEA in 3G, Cipher Suites, Authentication_Methods, etc. Quality of ServiceLink QoS supported or not by the access network AllE.g. 802.11e, Other Mechanisms Access Router Info AccessRouterAddress, IPversion, MobilityProtocolSupp ort, FASupport Can be part of Higher Layer services Name of Information Element DescriptionMedia Types Comments Example 802.21 Information Elements Transported by CARD

13 21-05-0360-001-000013 Some Thoughts Continue requirements discussion in IEEE 802.21 WG Upon completion of requirements discussion, discuss various existing protocol to decide if an existing protocol can be used or enhanced to support 802.21 transport requirements Work with IETF to enhance existing protocol or define new protocol if there is need to do so

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