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 Describe one way that soil is used by humans Bell Work.

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1  Describe one way that soil is used by humans Bell Work

2 { Soil Purposes and Land Capability Classes Soil Science and Management, Sixth Edition. Edward J. Plaster, Delmar Cengage Learning

3  Describe one way that soil is used by humans Discussion

4  Soil use can be broken into two categories  Agricultural  Nonagricultural Uses of Soil

5  Cropland  Annual Crops  Perennial Crops  Can be an erosion issue Agricultural Uses - Cropland

6  Rangeland – Native grass and shrubs  Vast quantities needed for adequate grazing land  Management Agricultural Uses - Grazing

7  Agroforestry (Silviculture)  Least destructive to the soil, but there are still concerns  What are these concerns? Agricultural Uses - Forest

8  Huge trend, especially in urban centers  Small scale farms, in the middle of the city  Highly Intensive  Soil must be taken care of Agricultural Uses – Urban Agriculture

9  Parks, Ball Fields, Golf Courses, etc  Turfgrass Management  Natural Resources  Hunting  Fishing Non-Agricultural Uses - Recreation

10  Soil must support whatever we put on it  Leaning Tower of Pisa  Load-bearing Capacity  Shrink-Swell Potential Non-Agricultural Uses - Construction

11  Landfills  Environmental issue  Soil used as a filter  Leaching Non-Agricultural Uses – Waste Disposal

12 Land Use in the USA – 2007, Soil Science and Management

13  There are 8 Land Capability Classes as set by the NRCS  I = least restricted  VIII = most restricted Land Capability Classes

14  Can be:  Cropped  Pastured  Managed for Woodlands and Wildlife  Good water-holding capacity  Relatively flat and well drained  Best cropland Class I

15  Gentle Slopes (2%-6%)  Moderate erosion hazards  Shallow topsoil  Slightly poor drainage  Suitable for all uses Class II

16  Moderately steep slopes (6%-12%)  High erosion hazards  Poor drainage  Very Shallow Topsoil  Unstable Structure  Special conservation methods are needed for growing crops Class III

17  Row crops cannot be grown  Slopes (12%-18%)  Cover crops are best  Erosion controls MUST be practiced Class IV

18  Unsuitable for cultivation  Can be used for range, pastureland, woodlands, recreation  Limited by: flooding, rockiness, short growing season Class V

19  Same as Class V  Steep slope (18%-30%) Class VI

20  Relatively unsuitable for production  Preserved only for recreation, wildlife or beauty  Examples: Sandy beaches, rock outcroppings, flooded river bottoms Class VII and Class VIII

21  What are the five soil forming factors, excluding humans? Exit Slip

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