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The Women of the Revolutionary War Information researched and reported by Mrs. Moylan’s class.

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Presentation on theme: "The Women of the Revolutionary War Information researched and reported by Mrs. Moylan’s class."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Women of the Revolutionary War Information researched and reported by Mrs. Moylan’s class.

2 Click on a picture to find out more about these important people.

3 Sybil Ludington British coming towards storehouse Not enough men were there to fight Sybil volunteered to warn neighbors She stopped the invasion Known as the “Female Paul Revere”

4 Margaret Corbin Husband served as a matross (loaded the cannon) Gunner was killed and John (husband) took his place Margaret became the matross John was killed She took his place until she was shot Congress awarded her a lifetime pension

5 Deborah Sampson Pretended to be a man to fight in the Revolutionary war (man suit) She used the name Robert Shurtleff Treated her own wounds to hide her secret Became very sick and her true identity was discovered Was the only woman known to have listed and served as a man in the Rev. War

6 Ann Trotter Bailey Scout and messenger during the Revolutionary War Recruited volunteers to fight in the war Boldly traveled through enemy territory Known as the “White Squaw of the Kanawha”

7 Lydia Darragh British officers used her house for meetings Heard about a surprise attack on Whitemarsh Warned Washington’s headquarters about the attacks

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