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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 A BCDE

2 Define Guerilla Warfare 100

3 Using the land and hit and run tactics to fight a war. (learned from the Native Americans) 100

4 Describe the supply conditions of the Continental Army. 200

5 They were chronically low on supplies. 200

6 What were the first two battles of the Revolutionary War? 300

7 The battles of Lexington and Concord. 300

8 List three major contributions of women during the Revolutionary War. 400

9 Nursing, kept farms going, cooked and fixed the soldiers’ clothing. 400

10 What did Benedict Arnold try to hand over to the British in his act of treason? 500

11 West Point 500

12 Describe the conditions of the average Revolutionary war soldier. 100

13 The conditions were very poor. 100

14 List three groups of people who would have disagreed that “All men are created equal” in 1776 200

15 Women, African Americans, Native Americans and indentured servants 200

16 Who was the British general who surrendered at Yorktown? 300

17 General Cornwallis 300

18 Who did America send to France to try and get France to help us win the Revolutionary War? 400

19 Ben Franklin and later John Adams 400

20 Who is known as the “Father” of the American Navy? 500

21 John Paul Jones 500

22 Most loyalists had a great deal of what? 100

23 money 100

24 What was the low point of the Revolutionary War for the patriots? 200

25 Winter at Valley Forge 200

26 Name three countries that helped America win the Revolutionary War. 300

27 France, Spain, Poland 300

28 What did Lord Dunmore's Proclamation say? 400

29 It offered American slaves freedom if they fought for the British Army. 400

30 Who had the famous quote “I have not yet begun to fight.” 500

31 John Paul Jones 500

32 Name the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. 100

33 Treaty of Paris 100

34 What battle was the turning point of the Revolutionary War? 200

35 Battle of Saratoga 200

36 Why were the battles of Princeton and Trenton important to the Continental Army? 300

37 It raised their spirits. 300

38 What state is Valley Forge located in ? 400

39 Pennsylvania 400

40 Who were Hessians? 500

41 German mercenaries that fought for the British. 500

42 Before the Revolutionary War began, Which side looked to be the stronger? 100

43 The British 100

44 What was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War? 200

45 Battle of Yorktown 200

46 Why did the Revolutionary War end? 300

47 The British were tired of fighting the war, and the war was getting expensive. 300

48 Why was the patriot victory at Fort Ticonderoga important? 400

49 The patriots gained much needed artillery. (Cannons) 400

50 What did the patriots prove at the Battle of Bunker Hill prove? Why did the Patriots lose the battle of Bunker Hill? 500

51 The battle proved that the Patriot army could compete with the British. The Patriots lost the battle because of lack of amunition. 500

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