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Network PC Management Slides for RTF March 1, 2011.

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1 Network PC Management Slides for RTF March 1, 2011

2 2 Overview Metered 418 computers, total (used 362 in analysis) Computer power, one-minute intervals, tower only (no monitors) Two to three weeks Participant Desktops Non-part Desktops Participant Laptops Non-part Laptops Educational1105661 Government2873218 Commercial2423516 Totals1621521335

3 3 Definitions Active State: computer performs useful work Idle State: operating system and other software have loaded, and machine is not asleep Sleep (Standby): low-power state after inactivity or by manual selection. Off Mode: Power consumption is at lowest level and cannot be switched off (influenced) by user Used in analysis: Active/idle state Sleep/off mode

4 4 Metering by Building Type


6 6 Usage Groups - All Participant Desktops Non-part DesktopsTotal Administrative1948 67 Computer Lab5646 102 Drafting Lab50 5 Media Lab90 9 IT52 7 Advanced Office46 10 Standard Office5149 100 Teacher131 14 Totals162152314

7 7 Usage Groups - Summary Usage group CommercialEducationalGovernment Non-partPartNon-partPartNon-part IT00002 Computer Lab2244680 Office/Admin2122124271 Total23245611073

8 8 Operating System ParticipantNonparticipantTotal Windows722426 Windows Server 2008*88 Windows XP160110270 Windows Vista10 * These computers were in a computer lab at a community college

9 9 Spot Measurements Participants n = 162 Min Power (W) Max Power (W) Mean Power (W) Standby0.89.03.9 Off0.08.72.3 Non-Participants n = 152 Min Power (W) Max Power (W) Mean Power (W) Standby0.89.22.7 Off0.09.11.7

10 10 Metered Active/Idle Power Sample Group Minimum Average Power (W) Maximum Average Power (W) Mean Average Power (W) Participant Desktop (n=162)19.689.657.4 Nonparticipant Desktop (n=152)19.7146.163.2

11 11 Active/Idle Distribution by Part/Non-part

12 12 Active/Idle Distribution by Sector

13 13 Active/Idle State by Building Type - Weekdays

14 14 Active Computer Usage by Building Type - Weekends

15 15 Load Shapes

16 16 Percent in Standby/Off – Weekdays and Weekends Time Period Nonparticipant Desktops (n=152) Participant Desktops (n=162) 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. weekdays34%44% 6 p.m. – 8 a.m. weekdays53%78% Saturday and Sunday55%85%

17 17 Hours by Mode Mode Average Power (W) Non-part Share of Hours (conf/prec) Participant Share of Hours (conf/prec) Overall Standby/Off 2.045% (90/10)64% (95/10) Active/Idle60.255% (90/10)36% (95/10)

18 18 Desktop Savings Overall Non-Participant Energy (kWh)Participant Energy (kWh) Annual Energy Saving s (kWh) n WeekdayWeekendWeekly n WeekdayWeekendWeekly All Desktops 1524.691.28 5.97 1623.340.57 3.91117 Assumptions: Computers not in use three weeks/year for vacation/sick + one week for holidays = in use 48 weeks/year RTF savings for monitors: 11 kWh Total annual workstation savings: 117 + 11 = 128 kWh

19 19 Desktop Savings by Sector Non-Participant Energy (kWh)Participant Energy (kWh) Sector n WeekdayWeekendWeekly n WeekdayWeekendWeekly Annual Energy Savings (kWh ) Educational 56 3.981.08 5.06 110 2.710.31 3.02113 Government 73 4.851.27 6.12 28 4.691.04 5.7436 Commercial 23 5.921.78 7.70 24 4.691.18 5.87113 Only one government participant site; not aggressive in settings

20 20 Comparison to Deemed Savings The RTF provisionally deemed savings for desktops were 148 kWh per workstation (computer and monitor), with 131 kWh savings per computer and 18 kWh per monitor. Our study found savings of 117 kWh per desktop computer. When this was added to the RTF estimate for monitors, slightly lower savings of 135 kWh per workstation resulted.

21 21 Measure Life Years that a participant keeps a desktop computer before replacing it Response Frequency (n=22) 1-2 Years0 3-4 Years7 5+ Years6 As Needed2 Replace Rarely in Practice 2 No Response5 Total22 ResponseFrequency (n=22) 1 year5 2 years1.5 3 years6.5 5 Years1 Permanent2 Varies2 No Response4 Total22 Typical length of a software license.

22 22 Questions? Kathy Hile Associate The Cadmus Group Tel: (503) 467-7165 Heidi Ochsner Associate The Cadmus Group Tel: (503) 575-4562


24 24 Average Power (n=35) Metered Active/Idle Power Minimum Power (W) Maximum Power (W)Mean Power (W) Nonparticipant Laptop18.139.824.3 Spot Measurements Standby/Off Power Min Power (W) Max Power (W) Average Power (W) Standby0.45.02.3 Off1.05.01.4

25 25 Average Active/Idle Power

26 26 Percent in Standby/Off – Weekdays and Weekends Time PeriodNonparticipant Laptops (n=35) 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. weekdays 36% 6 p.m. – 8 a.m. weekdays 56% Saturday and Sunday 58% Time Period Nonparticipant Laptops (n=35) Participant Desktops (n=162)Difference Weekdays48%63%15% Saturday and Sunday58%85%27%

27 27 Annual Energy Savings Sample GroupWeekdayWeekendWeekly Annual Energy Usage (kWh) Nonparticipant Laptops1.820.532.34120 Participant Laptops (Estimated)1.550.391.9458 Annual Energy Savings0.270.140.41 62

28 28 Comparison to Deemed Savings The RTF estimated laptop savings at 64 kWh per computer. We estimated laptop savings at 62 kWh per computer.

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