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Winter guard Competition Season September 29- April 1 Fairfield Junior High Color guard.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter guard Competition Season September 29- April 1 Fairfield Junior High Color guard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter guard Competition Season September 29- April 1 Fairfield Junior High Color guard

2 Introductions Directors: Tina Bruckman, Megan Terry, Lynette Parker Captains: Weapon: Nalayia Craig Co-weapon: Stephen Kapp Flag: Mara Jeffs Co-flag: Ginny Aviles Secretary/Psych Up: Hunter Sill Historian: Jaden Sparrow Welcome to Winter guard 2016

3 Rules and Regulations Attendance: 90% is required (This is a class!!!) To excuse an absence call or text Mrs. Bruckman 801 589 2268 Be on time. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time, so it is important that you are on time. Dress: Shorts and t-shirts are fine. No tank tops are allowed due to school dress standard policy. NO JEANS!!!!

4 Rules and Regulation continued Be kind and respectful Don’t say anything unkind about anyone on the guard or working with the guard verbally or on Social Media. There will be consequences if you do. Directors have a great grapevine. Pay your fees when they are do. If you have trouble please talk to Mrs. Bruckman, so that she can find a way to work with you. At practice you need to have water.

5 Fees for Winter guard 2016 Winter guard fees are $400.00 this year. This includes: uniforms Shoes Equipment rental, new flags Props Payment of directors Transportation Banquet for Guard members

6 Payment deadlines First payment is due by November 1 $150.00 Second payment is due by December 1, $100.00 Final payment is due by Jan 5, $150.00 You can pay it entirely at the beginning or on the payment schedule. If for some reason you have difficulty paying please talk to me and I can see what I can do to help you. The office will invoice you for the amount and you can pay it online.

7 Fundraisers What fundraisers would you like to do? They should be service oriented. Our principal is not a big fan of selling things. We have already done Taco Time and earned $350.00. Suggestions? Zupas Chick Fil A Real Salt Lake Night at the school

8 Competition Dates and Places Evaluation Show- January 16, 2016 at Lehi High School West Lake Competition January 30, 2016 West High School Competition Feb 6, 2016 American Fork Competition Feb 20, 2016 Lone Peak Competition March 5, 2016 Spanish Fork or Northridge March 12, 2016 State Championships March 25-26 Copper Hills HS

9 Join Remind System Please join the remind system. I send out reminders about events or if for some reason practice gets cancelled. Enter 81010 in the To: box Text @f214a Send You should get some kind of text back telling you that you have subscribed.

10 Calendar Please notice the calendar on the back of the application form. Please notice the dates and times of rehearsals and other activites. You must be available to attend all competitions. If you miss a competition your grade drops by 1 letter grade.

11 Questions????? Feel free to ask questions you may have.

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