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Adhesives See if you can answer the following questions on adhesives. The answers are on following pages. 1J.Byrne 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Adhesives See if you can answer the following questions on adhesives. The answers are on following pages. 1J.Byrne 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adhesives See if you can answer the following questions on adhesives. The answers are on following pages. 1J.Byrne 2013

2 Questions on Adhesives Q1 Name 1 glue for each job below & give 1 reason for each choice. (a) A Teak Garden Table: (b) Repairing the veneer on an Antique Bow Front. (c) Repairing a Badly fitting joint : (d) Gluing up an Occasional Table: Q 2What is Dermatitis? Q 3Can different types of adhesives be used in gluing up a mortise and tenon joint? Q 4 At what temperature should Adhesive be applied at? 2J.Byrne 2013

3 Q 5 Describe briefly how Contact Adhesive is used to stick Plastic Laminate to a Chipboard Top. Q 6 Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for Urea Formaldehyde: Q 7 Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for Animal Glue: Q 8 Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for P.V.A. 3J.Byrne 2013

4 Answers to Questions on Adhesives A1 (a) Exterior P.V.A. The glue would need to be Waterproof. (b)Animal Glue. The existing veneer would have been stuck using Hide Glue and any repairs would need to use the same glue. (c) Gap-filling Glue. The Glue needs to fill in the gaps without breaking down at a later stage. (d) P.V.A. ( interior) glue. Its quick and easy to use, fairly strong set. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin usually starting with irritation and redness. A 3 No adhesives cannot be intermixed. A 4 At Room Temperature of 18º 4J.Byrne 2013

5 A5Apply Contact Adhesive to the Chipboard allow 10mins until its tacky. Apply Contact Adhesive to the Laminate and to the Chipboard and leave until both become tacky Position Laminate on Chipboard then press firmly expelling all air. Leave until set then Trim. A6 Advantages of Urea Formaldehyde Strong, Water resistant, Setting times can be speeded up with heat, great for pattern veneering, when set it is heat resistant Disadvantages of Urea Formaldehyde Expensive, has to be weighed and mixed, Can cause allergic reactions i.e. Dermatitis, Short Pot life, Dulls Tool edges, fairly short Shelf life. 5J.Byrne 2013

6 A 7 Advantages of Animal Glue Strong. Great for curved veneering. Veneer can be re-softened and when set and repositioned. Glue can be reheated and reused again. Cheap. Disadvantages of Animal Glue Has to heated before use and applied hot. Can be quite pungent. Short Pot life. Quite messy. A 8 Advantages of P.V.A. Glue Strong, In veneering setting times can be speeded up with heat, Use straight from bottle. Exterior grade is Water resistant, Disadvantages of P.V.A. Glue Some grades take up to 1hr to set. If not cleaned off properly orange staining can occur when polishing. Reacts with metal and tannic acid in certain timbers to give blue staining 6J.Byrne 2013

7 Questions on Adhesives Q1 Name 1 glue for each job below & give 1 reason for each choice. (a) A Teak Garden Table: (b) Repairing the veneer on an Antique Bow Front. (c) Repairing a Badly fitting joint : (d) Gluing up an Occasional Table: Q 2 What is Dermatitis? Q 3Can different types of adhesives be used in gluing up a mortise and tenon joint? Q 4 At what temperature should Adhesive be applied at? Q 5 Describe briefly how Contact Adhesive is used to stick Plastic Laminate to a Chipboard Top. Q 6 Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for Urea Formaldehyde: Q 7Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for Animal Glue: Q 8Give 3 Advantages and 3 Disadvantages for P.V.A. 7J.Byrne 2013

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