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Elastic Architecture in CloudFoundry and Deploy with OpenStack

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1 Elastic Architecture in CloudFoundry and Deploy with OpenStack
Layne Peng @Layne_Peng Kay Yan @yankay Cloud Platform and Application Lab, EMC Labs China

2 Cloud Infrastructure and System Lab Cloud Platform and Application Lab
About Us Technologist from Cloud Platform and Application, EMC Labs China Our work: Research topics related to cloud architecture Lab focus areas: PaaS/IaaS NGDC automation management Cloud platform middleware Multi-tenant management EMC Labs China Big Data Lab Cloud Infrastructure and System Lab Cloud Platform and Application Lab Advanced Technology Research and Development

3 Agenda Why We Here? First Touch CloudFoundry
Elastic Architecture in CloudFoundry Introduce to BOSH CPI and OpenStack Deploy PaaS with BOSH

4 Agility and Cost Savings
Why We Here? From Accelerating your Journey to Application Transformation, EMC World 2012 PaaS powered Traditional IT Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime You Manage PaaS Managed by Platform Agility and Cost Savings IaaS

5 First Touch… prompt> gem install vmc
prompt> vmc target prompt> vmc login prompt> vmc push Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn] Yes Application Name: hello Application Deployed URL: ''? Detected a Sinatra Application, is this correct? [Yn] Yes Memory Reservation [Default:128M] (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M or 1G) (Press Enter to take default) Would you like to bind any services to 'hello'? [yN]: No Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (0K): OK Push Status: OK Staging Application: OK Starting Application: OK

6 First Touch…(Cont.) Upload your app Memory of each instance
Change served instances Your apps deployed Start, stop, update, restart Services of current app Your all created services Information of app

7 What CloudFoundry Offer?

8 What CloudFoundry Offer? (Cont.)
From Cloud Foundry Launch Event, April, 2011 PaaS powered

9 PaaS Architecture Pattern
MySQL RabbitMQ MongoDB Redis

10 PaaS Architecture Pattern (Cont. )

11 PaaS Architecture Pattern (Cont. )

12 Conclusion Simplify to three layers:
Routers for finding right endpoint of Apps Nodes of runtime for Apps Nodes of services provided by platform, consumed by Apps

13 The Keys of Design… Failover/System Robust Scalable Resource Recycling

14 Elastic Architecture in CloudFoundry
A request comes… Design principals: Each components can be run standalone; Each components can be scale-out, and notify the peers with message; The components communicate only with message or Restful API; Platform works above the infrastructures, no IaaS locking. Self-government and Loose Couples : Easy to add new components. eg Stager, UAA, ACM…; Easy to evolve each component. eg. CC_ng, Router v2…; Can be run above different IaaS. eg. OpenStack , AWS, vSphere

15 Open Ecosystem Open Dev Proc Partners & Communities

16 Elastic Runtime Support
Refers to stager -> vcap-staging klass = StagingPlugin.load_plugin_for(plugin_name) plugin = klass.from_file(config_path) plugin.stage_application Start Script Stop Script App Stager StagingPlugin Server PHP Rails3 Java_Web Play extends StagingPlugin

17 Elastic Runtime Support (Cont.)
So what we need to do is… Extends Class StagingPlugin in Common.rb Line3 ~ Line 62, 59 lines of codes to support PHP. 

18 Elastic Runtime Support (Cont.)
Key methods to rewrite: stage_application start_command startup_script stop_command stop_script

19 Elastic Services Support
Refers to a nice presentation by Nicholas Kushmerick Cloud Foundry Services in last forum: Service advertisement Service Gateway -> Cloud Controller POST /services/v1/offerings DELETE /services/v1/offerings/:label Instance management Cloud Controller -> Service Gateway Provision: POST /gateway/v1/configurations Bind: POST /gateway/v1/configurations/:id/handles Unbind: DELETE /gateway/v1/configurations/:id/handles/:handle Unprovision: DELETE /gateway/v1/configurations/:id

20 Complex deployment process like other distribution system
Tradeoffs Modular Design Version Tolerance Flexible Runtime/Service Elastic Architecture Many kinds of nodes Many nodes each kind Cause Complex deployment process like other distribution system

21 How we deployed CloudFoundry?
我们是如何部署CouldFoundry。 CouldFoundry是一个PaaS平台。PaaS就是一个功能强大的分布式系统,既可以运行在物理机 上,也可以运行在虚拟机上,更可以运行在OpenStack上。 使用脚本,CloudFoundry提供了一个安装脚本。 使用部署工具,CloudFoundry以前是使用Chef 使用这些工具有一些不便的地方,就是要写脚本 对于CloudFoundry来说,写脚本太繁琐了 现有的部署工具和IaaS平台并没有很好的继承。不能完成像自动创建虚拟机,对虚拟机配置的 问题。

22 Practical problem at
40+ unique node types 75+ unique software packages 500-5,000 VMs 2x/week updates Small teams manage many instances CloudFoundry 是一个功能非常强大的PaaS平台,cloudfoundry.com是世界上最大的部署。 前面关心的CloudFoundry的架构,我关心的是其在OpenStack上的结合。 在.com上,遇到了一些实际的问题。 CloudFoundry 。更多的node type和software packages.CloudFoundry本身就很强大,最微小的集 群也很麻烦。 节点很多。需要管理VM。雪上加霜。 更新频繁,不间断服务。写脚本的时候不能出问题。测试环境的脚本和线上的还不一样。 不断的调整,调整容量。纵向扩展和软件关系比较小,横向比较大。 团队很小 CloudFoundry的理想是成为PaaS平台的Linux。可以在IaaS上方便的部署运行。突出OpenStack的兼容 性。 部署,运维成为麻烦阻碍CloudFoundry成为PaaS平台的Linux绊脚石,自己吃苦就算了,不能让用户也 写繁琐的脚本,必须要解决这个问题。

23 CloudFoundry BOSH
CloudFoundry BOSH is an open source tool-chain for release engineering, deployment, and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services Prescriptive way of creating releases and managing systems and services It is not a collection of shell scripts, not a pile of Perl Built to deploy and manage production-class, large scale clusters Built for DevOps usage and scale by a crack team of veterans A project, not a product: command line interface, YAML, etc. Built from the need to operate End-to-end management Generic solution - Any IaaS, Any Service 前面说了 写脚本的方式太繁琐,有没有一个办法来解决上面的问题? BOSH BOSH是CloudFoundry的部署运维工具,在今年4月满周岁的正式发布。有什么问题随时打断。 BOSH是胡扯。是BOSH Outer Shell的首字母缩写。BOSH不是一个CloudFoundry的组件。 和IaaS集成很好的一站式部署工具 Initially the B stood for a code name which we deprecated soon after. For the compleete pictur, the Cloud Foundry PaaS (vcap) is the inner shell.  Bosh是一个工具。可以打包,部署,运维 分布式系统。不仅仅是部署,还包括管理。不仅仅是 CloudFoundry,所有的分布式系统。 使用他,发布工程师打一个包,部署工程师写一个配置文件,一条命令部署到分布式系统,运维也 是改改配置,一条命令 不是简单的一组脚本,他有很多功能是脚本很难完成的,比如跨Cloud。Repeatable。 能力强: 环境复杂。大集群。多节点。多软件。多任务。 使用简单: 使用简单。只要会简单的CLI,YAML配置就可以 不断持续的更新 应对CloudFoundry的实际需要。真刀真枪的线上系统 系统架构中模块很多。很多模块,各有关系,写脚本乱 规模很大。执行比较困难。出错什么的处理起来费力。 变化很快。不是一劳永逸,扩容更新很频繁。 功能,解决方案。对软件提供一个从头到脚的运维工具 发布。打包成一个Release。 部署。使用Bosh deploy。 运维。使用修改配置。Bosh log,ssh,deploy之类。 通用的 不限于CloudFoundry, 任何分布式系统都可以。最适合的是系统平台类。比如一个云服务。 不限于vmware。现在Vmware,AWS,OpenStack都支持。尤其是OpenStack.OpenStack兼容。 不限操作系统,任意操作系统都是支持的。现在主要是Linux,版本是Ubuntu10.4

24 BOSH Architecture Upload Stemcell Upload Release Deploy
CLI > Director Director -> A Agent -> B Agent -> C 对 BOSH 有了一个大致的印象后。看一下BOSH的架构。 架构解说。 1.看圈。圈内可以有OpenStack。 2. 连线靠得是CPI。 但我们部署一个应用的时候。 上传一个模板。(模板就是虚拟机模板,里面有Agent和虚拟机的插件) 通过CLI告诉Director说我要上传一个模板 Director把模板送到BlobStore里面 上传一个Release 通过CLI告诉Director说我要上传一个Release Release会下载一些依赖包。 Director把Release送到BlobStore里面 部署 通过CLI告诉Director说我要部署 Director将包从BlobStore取出编译 编译完放回去 通过A创建一个VM。使用Stemcell作为模板 通过B。VM上的Agent部署这个应用 其他流程

25 BOSH Concepts Stemcell Release Job Package VM template BOSH Agent
IaaS Plugin Release Jobs Job Packages Templates (scripts, confs) Monitoring Package Source/blobs Dependencies Packaging (scripts) 刚刚提到了一些的概念。 StemCell,Release 解释 StemCell是集成了BOSH_Agent的虚拟机模板。给CloudFoundry用的stemcell是一个ubunutu的版本。 可以使用CLI来上传。BOSH Director用他来创建VM。当创建Vm的时候,要传入Network和存储的配置, 还有Blobstroe的位置。 Release是Job的集合。可以理解为一个文件夹,里面什么都有。这个文件夹是发布工程师搞的。 Job就是一个服务。比如Mysql,可能有多个实例。Job包含Package+运维的脚本. 比如我一个Myql的Job里面可以有两个package,一个是MysqlServer还有一个是Mysql的Client. Job还有配置文件和启动的脚本。可以让一个Job跑多个进程。 Package Source/blobs Packaging Script编译期

26 IaaS Neutral vSphere: battle tested implement AWS: code complete
Cloud Foundry BOSH Cloud Provider Interface(CPI) BOSH 在SHELL外面,VM 在 SHELL里面。 BOSH是如何来实现跨虚拟机平台的呢? 是通过CPI。将一些常用的虚拟机操作抽象出来,形成一套简单的接口,然后再分别加以实现。 vSphere:真刀真枪的实现,支持4.2和5.0两个版本。有成千上万的部署使用到了。 AWS:逐步完善,已经可以使用。在论坛上看到。有很多人已经部署过了。 OpenStack:积极的进展。有Vmware和合作伙伴piston cloud开发。这个公司是个专门做OpenStack的公 司。现在关于OpenStack有越来越多的资料。 已经有了可以测试的版本。piston cloud希望将这部被代码集成在自己的企业版本里面,作为新项目提 交到OpenStack的官方外围。可以再延伸一下, Piston简介: Piston Cloud is the enterprise OpenStack™ company. 他的创始人是NASA出来的,在OpenStachk里 面是一家很重要的创业公司。Piston是利用开源的工具,给用户搭建一完整的一站式的计算和存储云。 CouldFoundry的社区是非常的开放的, 起步的时候使用Vmware OpenStack: testable release

27 Cloud Provider Interface
Stemcell create_stemcell (image, cloud_properties) delete_stemcell (stemcell) VM create_vm (agent_id, stemcell, resource_pool, networks, disk_locality, env) delete_vm (vm) reboot_vm (vm) configure_networks (vm, networks) Disk create_disk (size, vm_locality) delete_disk (disk) attach_disk (vm, disk) detach_disk (vm, disk) CPI非常的精简。 上面列出的就是全部,没有省略。 当配置一台虚拟机的时候。 Stemcell是模板相关的。 可以create来上传一个模板。 VM是VM相关的。 可以create_vm来create一个vm.需要传入一个stemcell作为参数,虚拟机就是从那个模板clone出来的 通过configure_network配置网卡。 Disk是存储相关的。 通过create创建,attach来连接到VM上。 Create disk的时候在哪个存储上? 最后可以通过reboot_vm来重启动vm。

28 Cloud Provider Interface (Impl.)
For OpenStack VM Cloud Provider Interface OpenStack Compute Image Service Stemcell OpenStack Image Service VM, Disk & Network OpenStack Compute 刚刚说的是CPI的接口声明,现在主要是说CPI在OpenStack上面的实现。 看图: CloudFondry东西运行在OpenStack虚拟机之上。 OpenStack Compute 提供了操作VM的接口。而ImageService给OpenStack增加了虚拟机模板的功能。 Bosh通过CPI接口来操作OpenStack.而CPI通过 有一个名为FOG的接口,可以操作OpenStack。 Stemcell 调用create和delete的时候。会使用glance来创建删除 Image. 操作器ImageService VM 调用Vm的接口的时候,实际会操作OpenStack Compute 也就 是NOVA.让他使用Glance中的Image来Create一个。 其中Configure-network也是使用的NOVA,来配置虚拟网络参 数。 Disk 也是一样的使用ova-volume来分配足够的存储空间。

29 Deploy PaaS with BOSH CLI BOSH IaaS 眼见为实,耳听为虚,直接来实践。
部署一个CloudFoundry集群 CloudFoundry本身很强大,组件比较多。就不深入结构。 有哪些package ,哪些Jobs,哪些release 灌入概念 BOSH IaaS

30 Demo Deploy CloudFoundry using BOSH CloudFoundry HelloWorld
Upload Stemcell Upload Release bosh create release bosh upload release Write deployment file Deploy CloudFoundry HelloWorld Login Push Application 看视频,一步一步说。 Depoy配置文件一会讲 Deploy在做什么然后有时间再演示Scale out. Upload sc: 检查,上传。保存。 bosh create release 指定配置文件。 编译,创虚拟机,配置 成功了,测试

31 Deployments Release Network Resource pools Jobs Properties
Update concurrency Compilation workers Cloud properties Stemcells and Packages 是静态的,可以是别人已经发布好的。 需要使用Deployment配置文件将他们和我们自己的环境结合在一起。 配置文件 主要 是这样的。 Release:名称版本 Network:网络环境。网卡,ip访问 Resource pool: VM的池,默认的CPU和内存,磁盘大小。 Job:希望使用的Job:实例的个数,网络和存储,机器配置 自定义。部署的时候替换成Properties。每一 个Job可以定义一种组件,如Mysql,Nighx Properties:填充模板的变量

32 Deployments for CloudFoundy
Cloudfoundry.yml name: cloudfoundry release: version: 89.1-dev compilation: workers: 4 network: default cloud_properties: ram: 1024 disk: 2048 cpu: 2 update: canaries: 1 canary_watch_time: update_watch_time: max_in_flight: 2 max_errors: 1

33 Deployments for CloudFoundy (Cont.)
Cloudfoundry.yml networks: - name: default subnets: - static: range: /24 gateway: dns: cloud_properties: name: PrivateNetwork - name: lb

34 Deployments for CloudFoundy (Cont.)
Cloudfoundry.yml resource_pools: - name: infrastructure network: default size: 29 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.6.2 cloud_properties: ram: 256 disk: 2048 cpu: 1 env: bosh: password:

35 Deployments for CloudFoundy (Cont.)
Cloudfoundry.yml jobs: - name: cloud_controller template: cloud_controller instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - name: nats template: nats

36 Deployments(CloudFoundy)
Cloudfoundry.yml properties: domain: env: {} networks: apps: default management: default nats: user: nats password: aaa3ij3122 address: port: 4222 router: status: port: 8080 user: aaaUxXlS0pc71wVef password: aaamaIf9vPV4mJyBe

37 User Case bosh target cf bosh deployment cf.yml git pull
Bug report to Dev Run bosh upload release Done! bosh deploy

38 Acknowledgments VMware China R&D Center
Network & Information Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. CloudFoundry Community Sina Piston Community


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