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David Wild Supervisor: James Connan Rhodes University Computer Science Department Eye Tracking Using A Simple Webcamera.

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Presentation on theme: "David Wild Supervisor: James Connan Rhodes University Computer Science Department Eye Tracking Using A Simple Webcamera."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Wild Supervisor: James Connan Rhodes University Computer Science Department Eye Tracking Using A Simple Webcamera

2 Contents: Brief Recap of project Approaches found My choice Tools Still Needs to be done Questions

3 Brief Recap of project Eye tracking: Find the eyes in a frame Use the eyes to calculate point of interest Usually pre-program calibration to find the limits Original Plan Use an infrared camera to make the detection simpler, still a possibility Find, or make an appropriate algorithm to calculate the gaze

4 Approaches found (1) Real Time Tracking Algorithm with head movement Compensation (RTAC) Eye detection using the corneal glint Find the glint-pupil vector Map to 3D Calculate head movement Compensate for head movement

5 Approaches found (2) Neural Networks Find the eye and face using intensities of pixels Use OpenCv to detect the eye and face regions Create a smaller picture for training the NN Use the intensities of each pixel as a input for the NN Starburst Noise reduction (shot and line) Corneal reflection detection using adaptive brightness-threshold Feature Detection Ellipse Detection Calibration

6 My Choice Starburst Eye detection Robust system Interesting to examine Could possibly include head movement compensation as a extension to the original algorithm Can still change this choice

7 Tools C++ OpenCV Ordinary USB Webcam

8 Still needs to be done Obviously Coding and Implementation Finding the eye Design the Calibration pre-program Implement the algorithm Test and improve

9 Questions?

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