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The Geography of the Middle East

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Presentation on theme: "The Geography of the Middle East"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geography of the Middle East
Jacky Hallam

2 The Middle East Today: Political Map

3 The Middle East Today: Physical Map

4 Middle East? OR Near East? OR Southwest Asia? OR….?

5 Bodies of Water Caspian Sea Black Sea Dardanelles Strait
Atlantic Ocean Tigris River Mediterranean Sea Euphrates River Jordan River Suez Canal Strait of Hormuz Persian Gulf Nile River Gulf of Oman Red Sea Arabian Sea Gulf of Aden Indian Ocean

6 The Mighty Nile River: “Longest River in the World”

7 95% of the Egyptian people live on 5% of the land!
Egypt: The “Gift of the Nile” Nile Delta Annual Nile Flooding 95% of the Egyptian people live on 5% of the land!

8 Hydroelectric Power Plant
Aswan High Dam, Egypt Hydroelectric Power Plant

9 Completed by the British in 1869
Suez Canal Completed by the British in 1869

10 Mountain Ranges in Mid-East
Elburz Mts., Iran Zagros Mts., Iran Lebanese Mts. Taurus Mts., Turkey

11 Deserts Negev Desert Sinai Desert Libyan Desert Arabian Desert
Rub al-Khali Sahara Desert

12 Desert Bedouins

13 Breeding Areas of Desert Locusts

14 Swarms of Desert Locusts!
Israel Hit By Worst Locust Plague Since the 1950s! Locusts Swarm the Pyramids Complex at Giza!

15 Desert Oases: Water at a Premium!

16 The Fertile Crescent

17 Completed Map Caucasus Mts. Black Sea Caspian Sea Dardanelles Strait
Anatolian Plateau Elburz Mts. Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea Tigris River Euphrates River Iranian Plateau Taurus Mts. Jordan River Zagros Mts. Atlas Mts. Negev Desert Sinai Desert Suez Canal Strait of Hormuz Arabian Desert Persian Gulf Libyan Desert Nile River Gulf of Oman Rub al-Khali Red Sea Hejaz Mts. Sahara Desert Arabian Sea Gulf of Aden Indian Ocean

18 Middle East: Climate Regions

19 Middle East: Population Density

20 Cairo, Egypt: Most Populated City in the Middle East
17,000,000+ People!

21 The Natural Resources of the Middle East

22 World Oil Reserves

23 Persian Gulf Oil Exports (2003)

24 Saudi Oil Fields & Refineries

25 Leading U. S. Oil Suppliers
The U. S. imports 30% of its oil needs from the Middle East.

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