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Percolation and seepage

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2 Percolation and seepage

3 Which is harder to clean up, surface water or groundwater?

4 Groundwater pollution sticks around...
Very cold, no bacterial breakdown Very slow water movement: recharge can take 100’s or 1000’s of years Pollutants can stick to rocks in aquifer and pollute new water

5 What Pollutes Groundwater?

6 Sources of Groundwater pollution...
landfills leaky underground storage tanks mines septic tanks hazardous waste - deep well injection any pollutant in runoff that percolates

7 Case Study: Natural Gas Drilling
Marcellus Shale Fracking - Hydraulic Fracturing Loophole in Safe Water Drinking Act natural gas companies don’t have to disclose chemicals being used

8 Earth = the natural filter

9 How can we protect groundwater?
Prevention is the key… Monitor aquifers & landfills Requirements for old fuel tanks Leak detection system Liability insurance Stricter regulations on toxic waste disposal Above-ground storage of toxic waste...but then you have toxic mud spills!

10 Water pollution laws Recreation: Water fit for fishing and swimming, cleaned up locally (1972 Clean Water Act) Oceans: Controlled dumping of waste and required double hulled tankers to prevent oil spills (Oil Pollution Act) Drinking Water: Protect groundwater and surface water from pollution (1975 Safe Drinking Water Act)

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