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© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 1 Bratislava, 7-8 March 2006 Computerization of the TIR procedure through a public-private partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "© International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 1 Bratislava, 7-8 March 2006 Computerization of the TIR procedure through a public-private partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 1 Bratislava, 7-8 March 2006 Computerization of the TIR procedure through a public-private partnership Computerization of TIR procedure

2 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 2 Presentation of IRU and its associations’ vision of computerization of the TIR procedure, as described in informal document No 3, 2006 submitted to the last WP.30 by IRU Presentation of IRU and its associations’ vision of computerization of the TIR procedure, as described in informal document No 3, 2006 submitted to the last WP.30 by IRU Computerization of TIR procedure

3 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 3 Project frame: a public-private partnership Why a public-private parnership?  Gather the strenghts of both sectors at national and international levels  Both partners play clearly agreed roles within clearly defined obligations  Efficient elimination of financial, legal and technical contraints through a sound partnership TIR has been a successful private-public trade facilitation tool for 58 years Why a public-private parnership?  Gather the strenghts of both sectors at national and international levels  Both partners play clearly agreed roles within clearly defined obligations  Efficient elimination of financial, legal and technical contraints through a sound partnership TIR has been a successful private-public trade facilitation tool for 58 years

4 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 4 PrerequisitesPrerequisites  Legal status, roles and responsibilities of all actors clearly defined  Customs data provided and managed by Customs  Guarantee data provided and managed by the Guarantor to meet its obligations  No actor loses data because of computerization  No disclaimer  Legal status, roles and responsibilities of all actors clearly defined  Customs data provided and managed by Customs  Guarantee data provided and managed by the Guarantor to meet its obligations  No actor loses data because of computerization  No disclaimer

5 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 5 PrerequisitesPrerequisites  Online data transmission: 100% of data are transmitted and made available in real time  Standard messages  No central database (ref. Questionnaire)  Maximum cost reduction: no duplication of what already exists  System, network and data security  Sustainability  Availability, Reliability, and Scalability  Online data transmission: 100% of data are transmitted and made available in real time  Standard messages  No central database (ref. Questionnaire)  Maximum cost reduction: no duplication of what already exists  System, network and data security  Sustainability  Availability, Reliability, and Scalability

6 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 6 TIR procedure domain (RM p.27) TIR Procedure TIR carnet life cycle Customs authorities national systems Approval of Associations Approval of the international organization Issuance and distribution TIR transport Return and repository Organization and functioning of the guarantee system Approval of Transport Operator (ITDB) Approval of vehicles Control system for TIR carnets Risk analysis Administration of the TIR Convention

7 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 7 TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle Issuance and distribution TIR transport Return and repository Issuing Association Holder Driver IRU Archive

8 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 8 TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle TIR transport Return and repository Issuing Association Holder Driver IRU Archive TIR transport

9 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 9 TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle today TIR carnet life cycle Return and repository Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Archive TIR transport

10 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 10 TIR carnet life cycle: today’s procedure, including risk management Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Archive CARNETING TIR transport FCS national system Bilge Sofi NCTS Asycuda SafeTIR CUTE-Wise Atirs 98, AskTIR…

11 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 11 CUTE-Wise: Contains real time information and enables all Customs authorities to: check the validity of the TIR carnet (guarantee) before the start or in the course of a TIR Transport and for each TIR operation check the validity of the TIR carnet (guarantee) before the start or in the course of a TIR Transport and for each TIR operation access to the lists of invalidated TIR carnets access to the lists of invalidated TIR carnets as requested by the Recommendation on the introduction of a control system for TIR carnets, and by the future Annex 10 to the TIR Convention

12 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 12 CUTE-Wise in figures Yearly basis (2005, approx. figures)  Details on 31 million TIR carnets  Used by 53 Contracting Parties accesses (2005)  1930 individual accounts, 1710 at Customs  57900 log ins to TIR carnet status page  690’000 TIR carnets queried (12 queries/session)  2570 accesses to the download page of invalidated carnets Yearly basis (2005, approx. figures)  Details on 31 million TIR carnets  Used by 53 Contracting Parties accesses (2005)  1930 individual accounts, 1710 at Customs  57900 log ins to TIR carnet status page  690’000 TIR carnets queried (12 queries/session)  2570 accesses to the download page of invalidated carnets

13 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 13 TIR carnet life cycle: elements already computerized TIR transport Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Archive IRU dBase

14 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 14 Issuing Association TIR carnet life cycle: elements to be computerized TIR transport Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Driver IRU Archive IRU dBase Holder

15 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 15 TIR transport Holder Issuing Association Driver IRU IRU dBase Holder eGUARANTEE/DECLARATION issuance WEB services

16 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 16 Computerized TIR Fundamentals  Computerized TIR is a confederation of systems Some wholly to support the role of each actorSome wholly to support the role of each actor Some provided as a service to support the roles of the actors and to facilitate the exchange of data among actorsSome provided as a service to support the roles of the actors and to facilitate the exchange of data among actors  International agreement is required on the exchange of data (definitions, formats, mechanisms, quality, timeliness) and the Service Levels for services provided  Computerized TIR is a confederation of systems Some wholly to support the role of each actorSome wholly to support the role of each actor Some provided as a service to support the roles of the actors and to facilitate the exchange of data among actorsSome provided as a service to support the roles of the actors and to facilitate the exchange of data among actors  International agreement is required on the exchange of data (definitions, formats, mechanisms, quality, timeliness) and the Service Levels for services provided

17 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 17 Operational responsibility for these procedures rests with the IRU and its National Associations. However, the relevant data from these procedures will continue to be made available by the IRU. Out of Scope in Reference Model Page 27

18 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 18 TIR Transport Dependencies 23 A TIR transport can only be performed by means of road vehicles, combinations of vehicles or containers previously approved under the conditions set forth in Chapter III of the Convention. 24 A TIR transport must be performed under cover of a TIR Carnet. 25 A TIR transport must be guaranteed by associations approved in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Convention. 26 Customs authorities can use national and international risk analysis data to assess risk in relation to the TIR transport. 27 When the TIR transport has ended, the TIR Carnet is returned to the holder, then to the association and finally to the international organization. 34 All through the TIR transport, national Customs authorities need the information in the TIR Carnet to feed their national systems. 35 All through the TIR transport, national Customs authorities need data from their national systems to feed the TIR Carnet. WordingChange! But they Need to Capture the data Final Termination acts as Return to IRU Pages 77 and 78

19 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 19 The actors and what they do. Page 39

20 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 20 Data: --TIR Number --CMR --Other Vehicle and Load Validation QueryRetrieve the declaration data already available Nationally Capture any additions, deletions or modifications electronically Capture electronically Provide accompanying document of the procedure to the operator Send electronic record of the procedure to the IRU TIR Declaration Page 55

21 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 21 Validation Query Capture any additions, deletions or modifications electronically Provide accompanying document of the procedure to the operator IDEA: Arrival Notification to Office of Entry Retrieve the declaration data already available Nationally. Page 62

22 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 22 Send electronic record of the procedure to the IRU The only delay is the time it takes for the operator to reach the termination point and the time it takes for customs to process the termination. Electronic match Page 50

23 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 23 Technology for Data Exchange  IT Standards based Web ServicesWeb Services UNICODEUNICODE SecuritySecurity - Secure channel (VPN, SSL) - Encryption - Other—Authentication, Authorization, Firewalls…  Cost based InternetInternet  IT Standards based Web ServicesWeb Services UNICODEUNICODE SecuritySecurity - Secure channel (VPN, SSL) - Encryption - Other—Authentication, Authorization, Firewalls…  Cost based InternetInternet

24 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 24 Some Helpful Sites  World Wide Web Consortium  Web Services Interoperability Organization  Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)  World Wide Web Consortium  Web Services Interoperability Organization  Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

25 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 25 Note from the Computer Industry

26 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 26 CUTEwise Query  For HUMANS  For COMPUTERS  For HUMANS  For COMPUTERS VX45613426

27 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 27 TIR Declaration  Modeled on the NCTS-TIR Pilot Project  Can be enhanced Web Services Web Services All Countries Involved in the Transit All Countries Involved in the Transit - The operator names all countries involved in the transit when submitting their declaration through the IRU. The IRU makes the declaration available to all countries named by the transporter, and only those countries.  Can be enhanced Web Services Web Services All Countries Involved in the Transit All Countries Involved in the Transit - The operator names all countries involved in the transit when submitting their declaration through the IRU. The IRU makes the declaration available to all countries named by the transporter, and only those countries.

28 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 28 TIR Pre-Declaration Data Flow XMLXML InternetInternet eMail or FTPeMail or FTP Central Customs Point IRU Web Site

29 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 29 Web Services  Web Services allow an application running on a remote server to appear as if it is an integral part of YOUR application, over the internet.  Two components  Web Services allow an application running on a remote server to appear as if it is an integral part of YOUR application, over the internet.  Two components

30 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 30 CUTEwise Web Service TIR Carnet Holder Query  What is it? This is a new SafeTIR service offered by the IRU designed to assist customs when presented with a TIR Carnet. Although CUTEwise data is available today for customs over the internet, the CUTEwise Web Service allows this data to be accessed directly by the Customs National System.This is a new SafeTIR service offered by the IRU designed to assist customs when presented with a TIR Carnet. Although CUTEwise data is available today for customs over the internet, the CUTEwise Web Service allows this data to be accessed directly by the Customs National System.  How does it fit with Computerized TIR? It provides computer-to-computer validation of the TIR Guarantee. It could be accessed directly from the National Systems or, on their behalf, through a trusted third party, such as the NCTS Common Domain or the ITDB.It provides computer-to-computer validation of the TIR Guarantee. It could be accessed directly from the National Systems or, on their behalf, through a trusted third party, such as the NCTS Common Domain or the ITDB.  What is it? This is a new SafeTIR service offered by the IRU designed to assist customs when presented with a TIR Carnet. Although CUTEwise data is available today for customs over the internet, the CUTEwise Web Service allows this data to be accessed directly by the Customs National System.This is a new SafeTIR service offered by the IRU designed to assist customs when presented with a TIR Carnet. Although CUTEwise data is available today for customs over the internet, the CUTEwise Web Service allows this data to be accessed directly by the Customs National System.  How does it fit with Computerized TIR? It provides computer-to-computer validation of the TIR Guarantee. It could be accessed directly from the National Systems or, on their behalf, through a trusted third party, such as the NCTS Common Domain or the ITDB.It provides computer-to-computer validation of the TIR Guarantee. It could be accessed directly from the National Systems or, on their behalf, through a trusted third party, such as the NCTS Common Domain or the ITDB.

31 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 31 TIR Customs Bus  The Computerized TIR Backbone  Managed by Customs  Interoperable—Protects existing investments  Allows Decentralized Implementation  Facilitates Expansion of Web Services (and Service Providers/Consumers)  The Computerized TIR Backbone  Managed by Customs  Interoperable—Protects existing investments  Allows Decentralized Implementation  Facilitates Expansion of Web Services (and Service Providers/Consumers)

32 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 32 Holder and Guarantee Validation Customs requests holder and guarantee data from ITDB ITDB sends holder and guarantee data to Customs ITDB requests guarantee data from CUTEwise

33 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 33 Electronic Declaration Submission by Holder Holder Enters TIR Declaration TIR Declaration Distributed to Customs

34 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 34 Electronic Declaration Acceptance by Customs Customs Accepts the TIR Declaration, and Distributes the Accepted Declaration to other Customs and the IRU. IRU Distributes the Accepted Declaration to the National Association and the Holder

35 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 35 Transit -- Exit

36 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 36 Transit -- Entrance

37 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 37 Electronic Declaration Termination

38 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 38 TIR Customs Bus Possible Additional Services Customs Office Reference WS The Sky is Your Limit WS TIR Language Translator WS

39 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 39 Customs TIR Bus Recommendation

40 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 40 Box Content TIR Declarati on Departur e ExitEntry Terminatio n TIR carnet number XXXXX Remarks or comments (if any) XXXXX Customs Office(s) name and number XXXXX Officer of Customs Office XXXXX Country XXXXX Date XXXXX Reference Number XXXXX Reservation or OK XXXXX Country/ies of Departure XX Load Compartements, Containers, Marks and numbers of Packages or articles. XX X Number and Type of Packages and Articles; description of goods XX X Gross Weight XX Total Number of Packages entered on the Manifest for Customs Office(s) of Destination, and Customs Office(s) of destination name(s) XX Itinerary, CO of Destination (if provided) XX X Name of Int. Org. X End of Validity date of the carnet X Issued by (Issuing Association name) X Holder (ID number, name, address, country) X Country/ies of Destination X Registration No of Vehicles X Certificates(s) of Approval of Vehicles X Container Identification Number(s) X Documents Attached X Declaration Place and Date X New seals affixed (if any) XXX Seals intact Y/N XXXX Seals Number and Identification X Number of packages for which the termination of the TIR operation is certified X X Partial or Final Termination X

41 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 41 GUARANTEE/DECLARATION submission Holder Web Services Declaration Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Submits declaration to WEB service Declaration column dataset Holder Task: Dataset:

42 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 42 GUARANTEE/DECLARATION receipt Web Services Declaration Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Checks and validation: Holder statusHolder status Declaration validityDeclaration validity List of countries involved by the TIR transportList of countries involved by the TIR transport Transmission of declaration data to Customs administrations and IRU Declaration column dataset WEB Services Task: Dataset: IRU

43 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 43 GUARANTEE/DECLARATION receipt Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Confirms receipt of the message Message received Country of departure Task: Dataset:

44 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 44 Country of departure: start of the TIR transport Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Presents to the CO of departure Guarantee/declaration number, Identification number Accompanying documents Holder Task: Dataset:

45 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 45 Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Retrieves data, Could check current status of holder and guarantee against WEB services (CUTE-Wise and ITDB) CO Departure Task: Dataset: Guarantee/declaration number, current status Identification number, current status Country of departure: start of the TIR transport

46 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 46 Country of departure: start of the TIR transport Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Validates the declaration or modifies the declaration Or refuses the declaration CO Departure Task: Dataset: Declaration update Departure column dataset

47 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 47 Country of departure: start of the TIR transport Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit the departure data to further customs administrations and IRU WEB services Task: Dataset: Departure column dataset IRU

48 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 48 Country of departure: exit Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Exit procedure CO exit Task: Dataset: Exit column dataset Discharge

49 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 49 Country of departure: exit Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit the exit data to further customs administrations and IRU WEB services Task: Dataset: Exit column dataset IRU

50 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 50 Transit country: entry Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Entry procedure Could check guarantee and holder statuses CO entry en route Task: Dataset: Guarantee/declaration number, current status Identification number, current status

51 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 51 Transit country: entry Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Validates entry and transmits to WEB services CO entry en route Task: Dataset: Entry column dataset

52 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 52 Transit country: entry Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit entry data to further customs administrations and IRU WEB services Task: Dataset: Entry column dataset IRU

53 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 53 Transit country: exit Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Validates exit and transmits to WEB services CO exit en route Task: Dataset: Exit column dataset

54 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 54 Transit country: exit Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit exit data to further customs administrations and IRU WEB services Task: Dataset: Exit column dataset IRU

55 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 55 Country of destination: entry Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit entry data to WEB services CO entry Task: Dataset: Entry column dataset

56 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 56 Country of destination: entry Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit entry data to further customs administrations and IRU Task: Dataset: Entry column dataset WEB servicesIRU

57 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 57 Country of destination: termination Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit termination data to WEB services Task: Dataset: Termination column dataset CO destination

58 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 58 Country of destination: termination Web Services Country of destination Country 2 Country of departure Transmit termination data to Customs and IRU Task: Dataset: Termination column dataset Web Services WEB servicesIRU

59 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 59 eGuarantee/declaration life cycle TIR transport Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Web Services

60 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 60 eGuarantee/declaration life cycle TIR transport Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Web Services

61 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 61 eGuarantee/declaration life cycle TIR transport Holder IRU Control Issuing Association Holder Driver Issuing Association IRU Web Services

62 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 62 SummarySummary  Legal status, roles and responsibilities of all actors clearly defined: same actors with same responsibilities  Customs data provided and managed by Customs  Guarantee data provided and managed by the Guarantor to meet its obligations  No actor loses data because of computerization  Legal status, roles and responsibilities of all actors clearly defined: same actors with same responsibilities  Customs data provided and managed by Customs  Guarantee data provided and managed by the Guarantor to meet its obligations  No actor loses data because of computerization

63 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 63  Online data transmission: 100% of data are transmitted and made available in real time  Standard messages  No central database  Maximum cost reduction: no duplication of what already exists  System, network and data security  Sustainability  Availability, Reliability, and Scalability  Online data transmission: 100% of data are transmitted and made available in real time  Standard messages  No central database  Maximum cost reduction: no duplication of what already exists  System, network and data security  Sustainability  Availability, Reliability, and Scalability SummarySummary

64 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 64 Private-Public Partnership  For new New Contracting Parties or Contracting Parties not having the appropriate infrastructure: black-boxblack-box  Procès-verbal de Constat  For new New Contracting Parties or Contracting Parties not having the appropriate infrastructure: black-boxblack-box  Procès-verbal de Constat

65 © International Road Transport Union (IRU) 2006 Page 65 TIRTIR A Public/Private Partnership since 1948

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