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The Urban Water Cycle. 1. WATER COLLECTION (CAPTACIÓN). Water comes from the Earth’s surface like from rivers and lakes. We can also collect water from.

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Presentation on theme: "The Urban Water Cycle. 1. WATER COLLECTION (CAPTACIÓN). Water comes from the Earth’s surface like from rivers and lakes. We can also collect water from."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Urban Water Cycle

2 1. WATER COLLECTION (CAPTACIÓN). Water comes from the Earth’s surface like from rivers and lakes. We can also collect water from underground by using wells.

3 2. DRINKING WATER PLANT (POTABILIZADORA) The water we collect from nature usually is not safe for drinking. Purification plants clean the water to make it safe for drinking.

4 3.TRANSPORT AND STORAGE (TRANSPORTE Y ALMACENAMIENTO) After the water is collected, the water is moved to water towers where it is stored. The water towers are usually in high places and the water is pumped down through pipes to the town.

5 4.DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMPTION (DISTRIBUCIÓN Y CONSUMO) The water travels through the pipes to all the places in the town.

6 5.SEWAGE SYSTEM (ALCANTARILLADO O SISTEMA DE AGUAS RESIDUALES) The used water is pumped into the sewage system of the city. The sewage system is made of pipes and takes the water to purifying plants.

7 6.PURIFICATION PLANT (DEPURADORA) The purifications plants clean the dirty water. After the water is cleaned, we can use it again or return it to nature.

8 7.USING PURIFIED WATER We can not drink purified water, but it can be used for other things: agriculture, watering of parks and gardens, cleaning of streets...

9 8. RETURNING WATER TO NATURE The purified water that we don’t use returns to nature. It goes back into rivers, lakes, oceans, or underground water.

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