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Electronic Instruments

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1 Electronic Instruments

2 Electronic Instruments
Those instruments which employ electronic device for measuring various Electrical quantities (eg. Volt , current , resistance etc ) is known as electronic instruments . There are large number of electronic instruments available for completion for various test and measurements .

3 voltmeter A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.

4 Oscilloscope It display wave form signal.
An oscilloscope, previously called anoscillograph.  is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observation of constantly “continuously over a period of time; always. ”varying signal voltages, 

5 Oscilloscopes are used to observe the change of an electrical signal over time, such that voltage and time describe a shape which is continuously graphed against a calibrated scale.

6 Oscilloscope

7 ohmmeter An ohmmeter is an electrical instrument that measures electrical resistance, the opposition to an electric current. 

8 Megaohmmeters measure large values of resistance
Megaohmmeters measure large values of resistance. The unit of measurement for resistance is ohms (Ω). A more accurate type of ohmmeter has an electronic circuit that passes a constant current (I) through the resistance, and another circuit that measures the voltage (V) across the resistance. According to the following equation, derived from Ohm's Law, the value of the resistance (R) is given by: R=V/I


10 What is the difference between Analog and Digital Multimeter?
 Analog multimeters give the output as a reading on a scale against a pointer, while digital multimeter output is in numerical form displayed on a LCD.

11 Digital meter Analog meter

12  Analog multimeters give a continuous output and carry a greater uncertainty in the measurement (about 3%), while digital multimeter measurements have a far less uncertainty (about 0.5% or less). Digital multimeters are more accurate than analog multimeters.

13 • Digital multimeters have a better range of measurements than analog multimeters.
• Digital multimeters offer additional features such as capacitance, temperature, frequency, sound level measurements and detection of semiconductor device pins (transistor / diode)

14  Analog multimeters have to be calibrated manually, while most digital multimeters are calibrated automatically before every measurement. • Analog multimeters have to be set for the specific range of measurement manually, while some must digital multimeters have auto ranging feature.

15  Analog multimeters require practice to take good measurements, while digital multimeters can be operated even by an untrained person. • Analog multimeters are less costly while digital multimeters are expensive.




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