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PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date Strategic Planning Session Water Use Licencing Directorate: Water Use Licensing Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date Strategic Planning Session Water Use Licencing Directorate: Water Use Licensing Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date Strategic Planning Session Water Use Licencing Directorate: Water Use Licensing Presented by: Vernon Blair Date: May 2015

2 Water Use Licencing Our Aim SimplerBetterFaster Our aim is to make licencing

3 Water Use Licencing Environmental scan (PEST) Politics 300 days processing National Development Plan Transformation Economy Infrastructure development Mining development Alternative energy Social Improved service delivery Municipal Services expansion Housing and housing developments Technology Internet Cloud Smart phones Smart phone apps

4 Water Use Licencing Analysis of our current position (SWOT) Ri50 million available for the improvement of licencing New Proto CMAs and Directorates without structures Available human resource for implementation of E-wulaas and the new approved business process Maintenance of the E-wulaas system Cooperation and support from other internal units Poor implementation Poor change management Poor project management Insufficient skills and human resources Poor communication Only 50% of licences received processed annually 25% of outstanding applications older than 1200 days The reduction of water management areas from 19 to 9 Experience gained from project Letsema Available data and information Electronic Water Use Licensing Application Assessment system Regulations on the procedural requirements for water use licence applications StrengthsWeakness OpportunityTreats

5 Water Use Licensing Our Objectives Successfully implement and continuously improve water use licencing business process Successfully implement E-wulaas and develop electronic systems to support the licensing business process and licencing decision making Develop supporting documentation for licensing Develop training models for water use licencing to ensure that licencing officials are well trained on aspects of the business Improve communication between CMAs, Proto CMAs and National Office Standardise and simplify licences, licence conditions and record of recommendation documentation

6 Water Use Licencing Key Strategies Continuous business process re-engineering Restructuring Product development

7 ActivityTarget date Appoint project manager for implementation and management of the water use licencing business process and E-wulaas July 2015 Appoint PSP for the support and maintenance of E-wulaasJune 2015 Review RoR format, licence format and licence conditionSeptember 2015 Indentify and develop required supporting documentation for licencingDecember 2015 Develop governance model and formalise communication channelsJuly 2015 Develop new structure for water use licencing (N0, Proto CMAs)March 2015 Appoint service provider for the development of training module for water use licencing October 2015 Develop and sign service level agreements with licencing supporting unitsNovember 2015 Monthly monitoringContinuous Water Use Licensing Key Activities

8 Water Use Licensing Required resources Support resources from other units Human Resources Financial Resources

9 Water Use Licensing Evaluation System Usage Application Turnaround Time

10 Thank You

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