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Theory and Structure Animal Cells

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1 Theory and Structure Animal Cells

2 Cell Theory All organisms are composed of one or more cells
The cell is the basic unit of organization (structure and function) of organisms All cells come from pre-existing cells

3 Exceptions to the Cell Theory
Electron microscope reveals that mitochondria and chloroplasts can reproduce themselves Not all living things are composed of cytoplasm and a nucleus surrounded by a cell membrane(Examples: skeletal tissue, slime mold) Virus particles can reproduce


5 Cell Organelles Membrane-bound cell structures that perform one or more functions

6 Cytoplasm Fluid protoplasm (living matter) that fills the cell and contains the organelles

7 Cytoskeleton Network of thin, hollow tubes and fibers
Provides support and shape Composed of microtubules (thin, hollow cylinders composed of protein) and microfilaments (thin protein fibers) Microtubules – support Microfilaments – aid in cell movement

8 Nucleus EUKARYOTES Control center Contains genetic material (DNA)
Pores in the nuclear membrane permit passage of certain chemicals into cytoplasm Contains chromosomes (contain code that guides all cell activities) Chromatin threads (DNA tangles) form the chromosomes

9 Nucleolus Found in nucleus Produces ribosomes

10 Plasma Membrane Boundary between cell and external environment that controls movement of what goes into and out of the cell ( Oxygen and nutrients in; waste products and excess water out) Functions to identify the cell Functions in communication between cells “Selectively permeable” (semi permeable) Lipid bilayer in which large protein molecules float (Cholesterol is a component)

11 Pinocytic Vesicles Sac-like enfolding of the plasma membrane
Small particles that cannot pass through the plasma membrane may be taken into the cell Pinocytosis- “to drink” Phagocytosis- “to eat” ( a protective mechanism)

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Assembly and transport of proteins Folded membrane with a network of interconnected departments Connects nuclear membrane with plasma membrane Rough ER – attached ribosomes Smooth ER – no ribosomes, makes new membranes for the cell

13 Ribosomes “Protein factories” (Site of protein synthesis)
Has a subunit made of RNA Free in cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum

14 Golgi Apparatus Closely stacked flattened sacs
Synthesizes, packages, and secretes cell products “Carbohydrate producing and packaging factory” (Makes mucus) Produces lysosomes Packages and ships proteins made by the cell either out of the cell or to another part of the cell

15 Lysosomes Round organelles that contain digestive enzymes
Digests excess or worn-out cell parts, food particles, invading viruses/bacteria “Suicide-sacs” – sometimes digest cells that contain lysosomes

16 Mitochondria Outer membrane and an inner membrane with long, narrow folds called cristae “Powerhouse of the cell” “Survival of the cell” Respiration: food molecules are broken down to release energy Mitochondria-energy-ATP

17 Cilia and Flagella Movement
Cilia- short hair-like projection of plasma membrane that have beating motion (found in lining of wind pipe) Flagella- long, whip-like projections that lash back and forth ( found in sperm cells )

18 Chromatin and Chromosomes
Chromatin granules in the nucleus are thread-like structures made of DNA Chromosomes are tightly coiled DNA molecules (This happens during cell division.)

19 Centrioles/Centrosomes
Most animal cells have centrioles, cylinders containing tiny tubules, that appear to play an important role in mitosis (cell division for growth and repair) Centrosomes also play a role in cell division

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